Sunrise: 1/03/1984 – Sunset:- 03/11/2020
With humble acceptance of God’s will, we announce the sudden passing on of Brian Poriot Litole on 3rd November, 2020. B
eloved son of the late Hon. Wilson Litole former Member of Parliament for Sigor Constituency and the late Mama Damaris Litole of West Pokot County, Kapenguria Sub-County, Siyoi Ward, Kapchila village. Brother to Angela, Alvil, Bencah, Lucky, Lee, Arabella, Aurelia, Frank, Boris and the late Alga. Uncle to Carl Mwotiny, Poppy Litole and Ana’s Chepar. Grandson to the late Litole and the late Kocherowoy, the late John Kari and the late Margret John . Cherished Nephew to Janet, Joan, Fridah, the late Stephen, Robert, Eva, Abigail, Mary Kopkite, the late Pecan and Rosalin.
Relatives and friends are meeting daily for prayers and burial arrangements at his house in Utawala Estate and home in Kapenguria.
The cortege leaves Montezuma Funeral Home at 7a.m on Monday, 9th November, 2020. Burial will be on Tuesday, 10th November, 2020 at his rural home in West Pokot County, Kapenguria Sub-County, Siyoi Ward, Kapchila village.
John 14:1-3 “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am!
May the Almighty God rust his soul In eternal peace. and funeralBRIAN PORIOT LITOLE,Death of BRIAN PORIOT LITOLE
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