dj lithium kenya death

 Sunrise — 24th February 1989 Sunset — 19th January 2022

It is with humble acceptance of God’s will that we announce the sudden demise of our beloved Alexander Murimi Nderi, of Capital FM.

He was the son of Silas and Florence Nderi of Kahawa Sukari Estate. He was the brother of Eric Nyaga Nderi of KCB Bank. He was the grandson of the late Elias and Aquilina Kivuti and the late Alvan Njeru and Ruth Wathira Njeru. He was a nephew, cousin, uncle and

friend to many.

Funeral planning meetings are being held at his parents’ residence in Kahawa Sukari, off Kiu River Road, along Third South Avenue every day from 4:00 PM.

The funeral service will be held at graveside at Mugwambogo village, Kathunguri Sub-location, Kyeni South location, Kyeni division, Embu County on Friday 28th January, 2022.

Those we love live in our hearts forever. Rest in eternal peace, Alex. Till we meet again. and funeralALEXANDER MURIMI NDERI (DJ LITHIUM),Death of ALEXANDER MURIMI NDERI (DJ LITHIUM)
 Sunrise — 24th February 1989 Sunset — 19th January 2022 It is with humble acceptance of God’s will that we announce the sudden demise of our beloved Alexander Murimi Nderi, of Capital FM. He was the son of Silas and Florence Nderi of Kahawa Sukari Estate. He was the brother of...