It is with humble acceptance of God’s will that we announce the demise of Mzee Christopher Wafula Wanjala.
Son of the late John Wanjala Butumbulu and the late Robai Namarome. Husband to the late Esther Nakhumicha and Daina Mudeitsi. Brother to the late Susan, the late Stephen, the late Tunai, the late Risper, the late Emmanuel, the late Grace and the late Sarah. Son-in-law to the late Aineah Werunga and Leah Namukabo, the late Daniel Khakai and Susan Siyevo.
Father of Samuel Mulati, Ben Mutete, Prof. Patrick Muliro, the late Alice Nemali Ouma, John Murumba, Tecla Barasa, Richard Wafula, Kennedy Wafula, Joan Nelima, Rose Naliaka, Noel Rasoa, the late Mila, David Wamalabe, the late Caleb, Emmanuel, Samson, Phoebe, Matayo and Lucy.
Brother-in-law to the late Ezekiel Werunga, the late Esau Werunga, the late Henry Kituyi, Mzee Christopher the late J.K Werunga, Susan Wambanison, the late Philip Poloji,Flora among others.
Father-in-law to Agnes, Bilha, Melissa, Violet, Bernadette, Isabela, Pamela, Catherine, Jacob,Wycliffe, Peter, Pius Barasa.
Uncle to Benson Muliro, Morris, Rasoa, Edward among others. He is survived by 16 Children, 65 grandchildren, 36 great grandchildren.
The cortege leaves Lugulu Mission Hospital on Friday 8th July 2022 at 12.00 p.m.The burial will be held on Saturday, 9th July 2022 at his home in Kamusinde, Nasusi Village, Kimilili, Bungoma County.
The Lord gives and the Lord takes away. Glory be to His name. and funeralDeath of MZEE CHRISTOPHER WAFULA WANJALA,MZEE CHRISTOPHER WAFULA WANJALA
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