It is with deep sorrow but humble acceptance of God’s will that we announce the passing on of decorated U.S.Army veteran CPT. Kelvin `Kiki’ Oteyo Orioki in Oklahoma, USA.

Son of the late John Orioki Maua and Susan Nyaboke Orioki. Grandson to the late Yuvensius Maua and the late Alexina Maua, the late Francis Mogaka and Salome Mocheche.

Beloved husband to Christine Elizabeth Orioki (U.S. Army). Doting father to Jesse Maua Orioki; Marcus Mogaka Orioki; and Lucas Magembe Orioki.

Loving brother to Irene Moraa Maua, Denis Omwoyo Orioki (Actionaid International Kenya), Luiz Magembe Orioki (Ministry of Labour and Social Protection) and Immaculate Kerubo Orioki (Mwangaza Light Ltd.).

Brother-in-law to Evans Arogo and Sylvia Wangeci Kibisu.

Uncle to Happiness, Faith, Brian, Ian, Gianna and Kasamba.

Nephew to the late Tom Obare Maua, Helen Obare, James and Sophie Maua (USA), Charles and Elizabeth Maua (USA) Peter and Stella Orenge, William and Rose Oteyo, Catherine Moraa, Lissel Iteba Mogaka (Director, Social Development), Marygoretty Mumbua (Director, Children Services), the late Josiah and Mary Ondoro, among others.

Cousin to Abraham Opole (KRA), Eupricia Moraa (Ministry of Health), Denis Nyabera (Moi High School Kabarak), Dr. Eric Oteyo (Maseno University), Maj. Justine Omwoyo (Kenya Army), among others.

The burial shall take place in full military honours at Fort Sill, Oklahoma today on 16th December, 2022.

1St Thesallonians 4:14 —”For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him.”

Till we meet again Kiki.

https://i0.wp.com/www.ripkenya.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/CPT.-KELVIN-KIKI-OTEYO-ORIOKI.jpg?fit=480%2C526&ssl=1https://i0.wp.com/www.ripkenya.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/CPT.-KELVIN-KIKI-OTEYO-ORIOKI.jpg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=1adminDeath and funeralCPT. KELVIN `KIKI’ OTEYO ORIOKI,Death of CPT. KELVIN `KIKI’ OTEYO ORIOKI
It is with deep sorrow but humble acceptance of God’s will that we announce the passing on of decorated U.S.Army veteran CPT. Kelvin `Kiki’ Oteyo Orioki in Oklahoma, USA. Son of the late John Orioki Maua and Susan Nyaboke Orioki. Grandson to the late Yuvensius Maua and the late Alexina...