Sunrise: 1935 — Sunset: 20/04/2023

It is with deep sorrow that we announce the death of Mary Mwenda Karisa Shume, who passed away on 20th April, 2023 in Mombasa.

She was born in 1935 to the late Mzee Mukami Katonga and the late Kache Baya at Mitangani, Bamba, Kilifi County.

Loving wife to the late Mzee Karisa Shume Masha and were blessed with nine children; the late Kazungu Karisa Shume, the late Jumwa Karisa Shume, Kang’ombe Karisa Shume, Majimbo Karisa Shume, (Major General), William Karisa Shume, Kadzo Karisa Shume, Emanuel Karisa Shume, Esther Karisa Shume and the late Gona Karisa Shume.

Mother-in-law to Salama Kazungu, Roman Kazungu Chuo, Josephine Jumwa, Dorothy Rabindo, Brijida Wanjiku, Kenga Kibumi, Bahati Ziro and Peter Ndaro. She was also blessed to see thirty-one grandchildren and twenty-three great-grandchildren.

She was well respected and treasured by friends and family. Sharing joy and wisdom to all she encountered.

The cortege will depart Pandya Funeral Home at 0900hrs on 28th April, 2023 for St. Michael Catholic Church – Kaloleni, for the requiem mass.

The funeral ceremony and burial will take place on Saturday 29th April, 2023 at Makomboani, Kaloleni, Kilifi County.

Daily meetings are held in Kaloleni and Karen (KCB). Friends are meeting today at Ngong Hills Hotel, from 4.00pm.

Well done thou good and faithfull servant … enter thou into the joy of thy Lord (Matthew 25:21) and funeralDeath of MARY MWENDA KARISA SHUME,MARY MWENDA KARISA SHUME
Sunrise: 1935 — Sunset: 20/04/2023 It is with deep sorrow that we announce the death of Mary Mwenda Karisa Shume, who passed away on 20th April, 2023 in Mombasa. She was born in 1935 to the late Mzee Mukami Katonga and the late Kache Baya at Mitangani, Bamba, Kilifi County. Loving wife...