Sunrise: 18/03/1936 – Sunset: 04/05/2023

It is with acceptance of God’s will that we announce the passing on of Fredrick Mwendwa Katang’a.

Son of the late Zakayo Katang’a Nzoka and Phillisa Mwatha Katang’a.

Husband to the late Grace Mukulu Mwendwa (Mrs. Katang’a). Father to Flora Mwendwa, Juliana Kioko, Charles Kasing’a, Peter Musembi, Alice Muthikwa, Mercy Minoo and the late Zakayo Mwendwa and late Norman Muoki.

Father-in-law of Titus Kioko, Joyce Kimatare, Lydia Kasing’a, Ann Musembi and Bernard Kyalo.

Grandfather to Grace Ndung’u, Paul Kioko, Martin Kasing’a, Ken Musembi, Anthony Mutugi, Faith Ngina and Caroline Lovililo. He was a great grandfather to many.

Church service will be held on 13th of May 2023 at Ilalambyu Primary School, Migwani Sub-county, Kitui County. Burial will be at his home the same day.

Your life was a blessing your memory a treasure, Rest in Peace. and funeralFREDRICK MWENDWA KATANG’A
Sunrise: 18/03/1936 – Sunset: 04/05/2023 It is with acceptance of God’s will that we announce the passing on of Fredrick Mwendwa Katang’a. Son of the late Zakayo Katang’a Nzoka and Phillisa Mwatha Katang’a. Husband to the late Grace Mukulu Mwendwa (Mrs. Katang’a). Father to Flora Mwendwa, Juliana Kioko, Charles Kasing’a, Peter Musembi,...