We regret to announce the death of Mwalimu Zachariah Onyinkwa Orenge -(Rtd) which occurred on 20th June 2023 at Mbagathi Hospital.

Son to the late Mishael Orenge Sabonsi and the late Esther Ontune Orenge.

Husband to the late Sarah Kerubo and the late Madam Elizabeth Nyabonyi. Father to Mwalimu Eric Misati, Godfrey Anyona (USA), Everline Nyambeki, Geoffrey Okiabera, Justus Juma, Bonfard Oloo, Venic Moraa, Mercyline Kerubo, Roseline Moragwa (Pauline) and Victor Nyandoro.

Brother to: Josiah Moraira, Ezekiel Bikondo, the late Hellen, the late Robert, Milka, Anne, Pricilla, Margaret (USA).

Brother-In-law to: Callen Kemuma, Mathison Omoke, Julia Bikondo, the late Ateka, Dismus Nyakundi, Osoro (USA), the late Abraham, Penina Momanyi. Semo to the late Nyabasa, the late Bagiti, Kiyuka, Mogire, the late Mose, the late Osano among others.

His Aunts are- the late Nyabwari, the late Moreka, the late Rael, Biage, Nyansiaboka and Moraa. His Uncles are the late Nyandoro, the late Onduso, the late Keraa, Itira, the late Kebari.

Cousin to. Salome, Martha, the rate Thomas, Magara, Josephat, Andrew, Samson, Omwoyo, the late Nyabicha, Nyayiemi, Lucas, Affonse.the tate Micah, the late Reuben, Hon. Samuel Mauti (MCA-Bogetenga ward) among others.

Korera to Mr. & Mrs. Ong’ombe, Mr. & Mrs. Barongo, Mr. & Mrs. Amenya, the late Mr. & Mrs. Omagwa, Mr. & Mrs. Mauti, the late Mr. & Mrs. Nyagero, Mrs. Milka Ogake, Mr. & Mrs. Oyongo, and Mr. & Mrs. Kiriago.

Son-In-law to: the late Francis Atika, the late Tabitha Nyangarisa the late Kumunto, the late Nyansiaboka, the late Moturi and the late Ngote.

Father-In-law to: Jane Anyona (USA), Seth Barongo, Irene Juma, James Omoke, Joseph Mauti, George Mabera, Jackline Misati, Peris Okiabera, and Roseline Nyandoro.

Uncle to Tom, Risper (USA), Herbert, Milka. Becky, Naom, Mogere, Ruth, Elijah, Elisha, Dick, Eveline, Edna, Judy. Loice, Caroline, Karioki, Onchari, Lilian, Emily, Kepha, Nictor, Moraa, Bonny, Clive, Irene, Linet, Lydia, Ogake, Yvonne (USA), Esther (USA), Sammy (USA) among others.

Grandfather to: Genevieve (USA). lorioseliza (USA), Gaddiel (USA), Nyangarisa, Rhoda, Britney, Eudius, Ethan, Peter, Peleg, Levi, Bradley, Esther, Hellen, Nyagero. Fortune, Robert, Onyinkwa, Venic, Ontune, Orenge, and Zachariah.

The body is lying at Hema Hospital Funeral Home – Kisii. Burial will be held on 07th July, 2023 at his Farm, Ruora Village, Getembe Sub location, Nyansore location, Gucha South Sub county, Kisii County. and funeralDeath of MWALIMU ZACHARIAH ONYINKWA ORENGE,MWALIMU ZACHARIAH ONYINKWA ORENGE
We regret to announce the death of Mwalimu Zachariah Onyinkwa Orenge -(Rtd) which occurred on 20th June 2023 at Mbagathi Hospital. Son to the late Mishael Orenge Sabonsi and the late Esther Ontune Orenge. Husband to the late Sarah Kerubo and the late Madam Elizabeth Nyabonyi. Father to Mwalimu Eric Misati,...