We regret to announce the untimely death of Elder Nelson Nyokwoyo Moiki.

Son to the late Saul Moiki and the late Teresa Machuki and Mary Nyang’au of Mwanyokwoyo village, Gesusu ward, Masaba South sub county, Nyaribari Masaba.

Husband to Dorcah Moraa Nyokwoyo. Father to: Jackline Kerubo, Eng. Abner Tumbo, Lydiah Gesare, Eng. Hudson Matundura, Eliud Machani (Guala East Africa), Fredrick Machuka (Daktari).

Brother to: Asumani Moiki, Zablon Jomo, Maisiba, Choroke, Ombuna, Maranga, Milka Monyenye, Peris, the late Truphena Bosibori, Elizabeth Nyabonyi, Nyamisa, Nyaboke, Jane, Alice, Isabella Maoga, Eunice Nyanchoka, Agnes.

Sisters-in-law: Kemuma, Loice, Bathseba, Esther, Dinah, Joyce, Orita, Christine. Cousin to: the late (Joseph Basweti, Yupes Nyangweso, Mochama, Ongeri), Jonathan Nyachiro, Samson Otara, Nyokwoyo, Nyagaka, Gesare, Kwamboka, Monyenye, Ongori, Nyabuto, Morang’ajames(USA), Bosire, Atang’a.

Son-in-law to: the late (Nicholas Matundura, Esther Mongina). In-law to: the late (Mosomi Achimba, Nelson Ongaro, Jonathan Omosa), Richard Momanyi, Evans Atang’a, Teresa Nyamusi, Bathseba Sarange, jane,Teresia Nyanchera. Semo to: the late (Marisa, Maranga), Kamanda, Nyokwoyo Moiki Morang’a. Uncle to: Masese, Mochere, Tabitha, Pamela, Robert, Onderi, Nyanchoka, Ondaba, Okari Omete, Okari, Maoto,Tom, Moige, Charles, Kepha, Mokobi.

His Uncles: Late (Matundura, Orogo, Makori, Kegangi). His Aunts: the late (Moraa, Nyang’ara, Mary, Mocheche, Pauline Nyanlau, Nyaboke) Elizabeth.

Father-in-law to: Job Maumba, Caroline Osebe, Charles Kamanda (Canada), Esther Kerubo, Gelvin Moraa and Florence Wambui (Dr).

Korera to: Japter Ombaso, the late Naftal Oyugi, the late Paul Kamanda, Joash Meroka, Rodah Kamanda (USA), Nelson Onchoke and Lawrence Mwangi.

Grandfather to: Faith Kerubo, Rebecca Kemunto, Griffins Machuki (junior), Eugene Osiemo, Paul Kamanda, Decla Moraa,Wayne Nyokwoyo, Precious Gesare, Daisy Moraa, Adrian Ombaso & Talitha Mongina.

Close Friend to Apostle Dorice Asiko – Nairobi.

Fundraising will be held on 11/07/2023 at his home in Mwanyokwoyo village and Professional Center, Nairobi.

The late will be laid to rest on Friday 14/7/2023 at Mwanyokwoyo Village, Omobera sub-location, Gesusu.

John 14:3 —”And if I go and prepare a place for you, l will come again and will take you to myself, that where l am you may be also.”

https://i0.wp.com/www.ripkenya.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/ELDER-NELSON-NYOKWOYO-MOIKI.jpg?fit=480%2C563&ssl=1https://i0.wp.com/www.ripkenya.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/ELDER-NELSON-NYOKWOYO-MOIKI.jpg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=1adminDeath and funeralDeath of ELDER NELSON NYOKWOYO MOIKI,ELDER NELSON NYOKWOYO MOIKI
We regret to announce the untimely death of Elder Nelson Nyokwoyo Moiki. Son to the late Saul Moiki and the late Teresa Machuki and Mary Nyang’au of Mwanyokwoyo village, Gesusu ward, Masaba South sub county, Nyaribari Masaba. Husband to Dorcah Moraa Nyokwoyo. Father to: Jackline Kerubo, Eng. Abner Tumbo, Lydiah Gesare,...