Sunrise: 09/07/1985 – Sunset: 06/07/2023

We are saddened to announce the death of Nicholas Aluvara Ondego of NIS, who passed away on 6th July 2023. He was born on 9th July 1985 at Minyika Village, Kivagala Sub-location, North Maragoli Vihiga County.

Son of Loidah Kendi and the late Hassa Ondego. Son-in-law of Benson Kivagala, Elizabeth Kivagala, Washington Mugasia, Mary Mideva, Ismail Andambi.

A caring husband of Mary Musimbi, Gloria Vuyanzi and Saumu Mugariza. Loving father of Sarah Kendi, Erick Ondego, Blessing Lumago, Shawn Adamba, Abigail Lumago and Jemima Kendi. Brother of Rose Mmbone, Wycliffe Atonye, Benard Ondego, Beatrice Shago, Phyllis Nyagoha, the late Morris Adamba, Christine Kavaya.

Uncle of Hon. Leakman Kigika, Hon. Seth Givondo, Josephine Wanza, Juliet Minayo, Prudence Mirayo, Zachariah Mutange, Charles Indiatsi. Cousin to Whitney Kavulani, Francis Ondego and Gertrude Mugaro.

Friends and Family are meeting at Masimba Stage, opposite Mwangaza Primary School in Kayole.

The cortege will leave Umash Funeral Home at 7.30am on 20th July, 2023 then to Minyika Village Kivagala Sub-location, North Maragoli, Vihiga County for burial on 22nd July, 2023.

Aluvara was our bright star, hero, an icon & role model to the family.The best soldier, brother & dad. We love you but God loves you most. May the Lord give you eternal rest & comfort till we meet again.

Job 14:1 —”Man who is born of woman is of few days and full of trouble.” Thessalonians 4:13 —”But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen [a]asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope.” and funeralDeath of NICHOLAS ALUVARA ONDEGO,NICHOLAS ALUVARA ONDEGO
Sunrise: 09/07/1985 – Sunset: 06/07/2023 We are saddened to announce the death of Nicholas Aluvara Ondego of NIS, who passed away on 6th July 2023. He was born on 9th July 1985 at Minyika Village, Kivagala Sub-location, North Maragoli Vihiga County. Son of Loidah Kendi and the late Hassa Ondego. Son-in-law...