We are saddened to announce the death of Robert Naftal Nyaberi that occurred on 18th July 2023 after a short illness. Until his death he was a businessman and the Director of Roja City Cleaners Services Ltd.

Son to the late Nyaberi Nyanchoka, Joyce Nyomenda and the late Ruth Kemuma of Riosugo Sub-Location Nyamache Sub—County Kisii County.

Husband to Vane Nyaberi of Nyabisase Primary School. Loving Father to Griffins, Onkoba, Loyce and Purity.

Brother to Joseph, Mary, Nyaboke (USA), the late Nyanchama, Morang’a, Jane (USA), the late Sammy, Elijah, Teresa, the late Phyllis, Pamela, the late Tabitha, Rose(USA), Nashon, Barongo (USA), Kepha, the late Naftal Nyaberi and Kerubo.

Son-in-law to the late Augostin Nyaberi and the late Loyce Moraa of Kenyenya.

Son to the late Onkoba, Shadrack, Moroga, Isaiah, Principal Keronche, Zachariah, the late Momanyi, the late Oyaro, Oira, the late Sota, the late Ondieki, the late Mosero, the late Kwamboka,E lizabeth, Keremensia, the late Sabina, the late Magara and Mary of Irondi and others.

Cousin to Hon. Onkoba, Nyaberi’s, Jackie’s, Zipporah, Magutu, Nashon, Advocate Magoma, the late Monene, the late Harrison, Polycarp, Victor, Winnie, Cedric, Sammy, Phires, Linet, Magati, Naftal’s, Alfred, Fred, the late Patrobah, Diana among others.

In-law to Advocate Justin, Caren, Ombaso, the late Esther,Advocate Samson, the late Ontweka, the late Enock, the late Michira, Boaz Onchweri, the late Ontiri, Mayaka (USA), Philip Teya, Elkanah Mogire (DCI), the late John Mogire, Elima, Jerusa, Naomi, Annah, Ester, Ruth, Bonsiana, advocate Fred Momanyi, Charles Maranga, Justus Maina and others.

Grandson to the late Nyanchoka, the late Ombati, Onchiri, Nyang’icha, the late Nyaeti, the late Nyangiriri, the late Agnes, the late Nchore, the late Bakora Others.

Uncle to Naftali’s, Nyaberi’s, Ongeri’s, Michira P.A Cs Machogu, Shem (USA), Ruth (USA) Mosero’s, Livine, Ammah, Hamis (USA), Rehema, Kwamboka’s, Teresa, Melcky, Scholar, the late Boyani, the late Phenorah, Ruth’s, Siocha’s, Phyllis, Anthony’s, Agnes’s, Carol, Denis,Arumba, Peter among others.

Family and friends are daily meeting at Afya Centre Nairobi and mwamogotu Village (Home) for prayers and his funeral arrangements.

Main fundraising will be held on 1st August 2023 at Professional Centre Nairobi as From 4:00pm, and on 31st July 2023 at his rural home.

The cortege leaves Kenyatta University Teaching and Referral Hospital(KUTRH) on 3rd August 2023 for burial at Riosugo Sub-Location Kisii County on Friday 4th August 2023.

John 1:5- Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die.” and funeralDeath of ROBERT NAFTAL NYABERI,ROBERT NAFTAL NYABERI
We are saddened to announce the death of Robert Naftal Nyaberi that occurred on 18th July 2023 after a short illness. Until his death he was a businessman and the Director of Roja City Cleaners Services Ltd. Son to the late Nyaberi Nyanchoka, Joyce Nyomenda and the late Ruth Kemuma...