With humble acceptance of God’s wish, we announce the promotion to higher glory of our dear Eng. Daniel Weru Mwaniki, that occurred on 02/11/2023 after a short hospitalization.

Eng Mwaniki Weru formerly of KCC, was the second born of the late Mzee Adam Mwaniki and Margaret Wanjiru of Mari-ini Muruguru, Aguthi Location, Nyeri County. Brother to Maureen and Col Rtd Jimmy Wangome, the late Lydia Wairimu, Moses Matu, David Ritho. the late Timothy Kagondu and Jane Nyairuri Mwaniki.

Father to Yvonne Wanjiru (Michigan, USA) and Adam Mwaniki (Isiolo Frontier). Beloved grandfather to Amu, Khaliqa and Weru.

Nephew to Mzee Joshua Ichang’i (Muruguru 602), the late Alfred Muita. the lace Beatrice Gathua, the late Janet Wairimu Weru and the late Phoebe Nolo Wambugu. Maternal Nephew and Cousin of the larger Musa Matu Family ya Mbari ya Njora of Tumutumu. Cousin, lthe Mukuru, Uncle/Mama and Wagui to many in the broad Aagathigia and Musa Matu Njora Clans.

Family & friends are meeting at Muruguru home, for prayers and funeral arrangements at 04.00pm daily till Saturday.

A Grave-side service will be held at his home at Muruguru Farm on 14/11/2023, commencing at 11.30am followed thereafter by interment.

No flowers please; instead bring a fruit tree for planting in commemoration and for posterity.

Contact: Jane -Tel number:0724157153.

We thank God for the years he gave Dan to us & pray that the Lord rests his soul in eternal glory together with all our saints gone before.

https://i0.wp.com/www.ripkenya.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/ENG.-DANIEL-WERU-MWANIKI.jpg?fit=480%2C580&ssl=1https://i0.wp.com/www.ripkenya.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/ENG.-DANIEL-WERU-MWANIKI.jpg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=1adminDeath and funeralDeath of ENG. DANIEL WERU MWANIKI,ENG. DANIEL WERU MWANIKI
With humble acceptance of God’s wish, we announce the promotion to higher glory of our dear Eng. Daniel Weru Mwaniki, that occurred on 02/11/2023 after a short hospitalization. Eng Mwaniki Weru formerly of KCC, was the second born of the late Mzee Adam Mwaniki and Margaret Wanjiru of Mari-ini Muruguru,...