We regret to announce the death of Hon. Benson Ogero Kegoro (HSC), age 90, on Thursday, 16 November 2023, peacefully at his Nyamira County home.

During a long, illustrious career in politics, exemplifying rare virtue, Hon. Kegoro worked with Kenya’s first four presidents, holding various elective and honorary positions, among them as Member of Parliament for West Mugirango for two terms and as a Member of the Nyanza Regional Assembly where he was Minister for Health. Still serving later in life, Hon. Kegoro became a respected community leader, mediator, mentor and spokesman who played a leading rolein managing devolution affairs in Nyamira and Kisii Counties, roles he executed with legendary wisdom and humour.

Hon Kegoro is preceded in death by his parents, Mzee Ogero Ogero and Mama Marita Bosibori Ogero, his wives Peris Nyaboke and Bethshua Moraa, daughter Rose Marube and son Tom Kiage, siblings Sospeter Makworo, Samuel Ogembo, Samson Makori and Jones Ooga,among others. His parents in law Pastor Ezra Ogeto and Marita Bosibori, Kiage Onsinyo and Teresa Kwamboka and Pastor Agostino Moindi and Jeria Masese also preceded him.

He is survived by his wife Tabitha Nyamokami, children Jane and Samuel Abuga, Daniel Marube, Pamela and Dr. Kennedy Ondimu, George and Nelly, Paul and Isabella, Truphena and Robert Mokua, Mary and Elijah Mokaya, Asenath and Elizaphan Nuguti, and Fred and Caroline Chebet.

His surviving siblings include Nyaboke Osiemo, Billiah Sani, Rachel Rasugu, Florence  Momanyi, Christine Maranga, Samuel Ongoi, Robert Gichana and Bethuel Matena.

He is also survived by several nephews and nieces including Grace Kamau, Francis Makworo, Wollen Makori, many
grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Daily meetings are taking place at the Ngong Hills Hotel, from 6.00pm.

A fundraising in expression of love and support towards funeral expenses will be held at The Old Sanctuary of the Central SDA Church (Maxwell) on Wednesday 29th November 2023 at 5.30 p.m.

A funeral and memorial service will be held on Thursday, 30th November 2023, at 10:00 a.m.at the same Church.

The final celebration of Hon. Kegoro’s life and times starts at 10.00 on Sunday 3rd December 2023, at the Menyenya
Primary School in Kijauri, and will be followed by the burial at his home in Nyaronde, Nyamira County.

https://i0.wp.com/www.ripkenya.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/HON.-BENSON-OGERO-KEGORO-HSC.jpg?fit=480%2C549&ssl=1https://i0.wp.com/www.ripkenya.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/HON.-BENSON-OGERO-KEGORO-HSC.jpg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=1adminDeath and funeralDeath of HON. BENSON OGERO KEGORO (HSC),HON. BENSON OGERO KEGORO (HSC)
We regret to announce the death of Hon. Benson Ogero Kegoro (HSC), age 90, on Thursday, 16 November 2023, peacefully at his Nyamira County home. During a long, illustrious career in politics, exemplifying rare virtue, Hon. Kegoro worked with Kenya’s first four presidents, holding various elective and honorary positions, among...