The Catholic Archdiocese of Kisumu regrets to announce the death of Rev. Fr. Dominic Owuor Milla which occurred on 13th Nov. 2023 at Agha khan hospital Kisumu. He was born in 1941.

He was the 5th child to the late Damasus Ogutu Milla and the late Margarita Osir Ogonda of Sakwa Wachidha, Mbaye Got Sirafuongo. Brother to the late Vitalice Ogutu, Teresa Otayo, the late John Ogonda, James Athiambo and the late Mary Jacinta, Sabina Akello, Petronalla Loice, Veronica Atieno, Dorothy Millar and Sr. Tecla Milla.

The cortege will leave St. Monica Hospital Mortuary on Monday 27th Nov. 2023 for requiem Mass at Nyang’oma Parish at 9.00 am.

The burial will take place on 28th Nov. 2023 at St.Theresa’s Kibuye Cathedral from 10.00 am. Presided over by Most Rev. Maurice Muhatia Makumba, Archbishop of Kisumu.

“If any man serves me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be” and funeralDeath of DOMINIC OWUOR MILLA,DOMINIC OWUOR MILLA
The Catholic Archdiocese of Kisumu regrets to announce the death of Rev. Fr. Dominic Owuor Milla which occurred on 13th Nov. 2023 at Agha khan hospital Kisumu. He was born in 1941. He was the 5th child to the late Damasus Ogutu Milla and the late Margarita Osir Ogonda of...