It’s with humble acceptance of God’s will that we announce the death of Elder Enock Ongeri Nduko.

Husband of Agnes Kerubo.

Son of The Late Nduko Onsomu And Sarah Moraa.

Father of Sylvia Bosibori, Joshua Nduko,Andrew, Lindah And Brendah. Brother of Richard, Nyaboke, Mokeira, Martha, Late Okero, Late Kwamboka, Late Abuya, Late Ezra, Late Kemunto and Late Nchema.

Nephew of Tinega, Nyandogogora, Chief Mobisa, Isabella, Moraa among others.

Father-In-Law of Maina, Nyambura, Jesca, Violet and Ruto. Korera of Maina, Ng’ang’a, Late Moseti Lucy, Ruto.

In-Law of Japhet, Samuel, Aloys, Elias, Daniel, Annah, Zipporah, Late Jane among others.

Semo of Moracha and Anyona. Cousin of Makworo, Stephen, Dr Richard, Hon Enock Okero, Late Mainye among others.

Grandfather of Sydney,Aneesah, Samuel,Wycliffe, Esther-Jasmine, Gloria, Jayden, Justine, Golder, Ethan.

Uncle of Okeios, Oikos, Abuyas, Ngoges, Ongeris, Ongeras, Ondoros, Nchemas, Ondiekis, Nyameinos among others.

The cortege leaves Hema Hospital on 14th March 2024 for a service at Sengera Manga at 11am. Funeral will be held at his Nyanchwa Nubia Home on 15th March 2024.

For Support and Enquiries 0717132003 (Ronald Nduko).

https://i0.wp.com/www.ripkenya.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/ELDER-ENOCK-ONGERI-NDUKO.png?fit=224%2C249&ssl=1https://i0.wp.com/www.ripkenya.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/ELDER-ENOCK-ONGERI-NDUKO.png?resize=150%2C150&ssl=1adminDeath and funeralDeath of ELDER ENOCK ONGERI NDUKO,ELDER ENOCK ONGERI NDUKO
It’s with humble acceptance of God’s will that we announce the death of Elder Enock Ongeri Nduko. Husband of Agnes Kerubo. Son of The Late Nduko Onsomu And Sarah Moraa. Father of Sylvia Bosibori, Joshua Nduko,Andrew, Lindah And Brendah. Brother of Richard, Nyaboke, Mokeira, Martha, Late Okero, Late Kwamboka, Late Abuya, Late...