30th August 1963 – 31st July 2024

We, the family of the late David Gachewa (DG), would like to thank and praise God for the gift of DG, the years we shared with him and the way he touched each of our lives in a special way.

To Rev. Jandson Njoroge, Rev. Simon Chomba, Rev.Daniel Mucheru, our very own Pastor Kevin Kung’u, the All-Saints Cathedral, Nairobi and the St. Mary’s ACK, Ngariama and all the church communities, we extend our heartfelt thanks for your prompt and steadfast presence with us, your prayers, support and encouragement, offering us strength when we needed it most.

To Dr. Asif Chaudhry and his team at Royal Marsden Hospital in London, Dr. Gladwell Kiarie and her staff in Nairobi, the amazing team of dedicated doctors, nurses and medical staff at the Cancer Centre at the Nairobi Hospital and the Peak Pavilion homecare and nurses who cared for DG with such compassion, we are forever grateful. Your tireless efforts brought us comfort and hope during the most challenging times. 

To the partners and colleagues at KPMG EA, your visits, calls and messages of support brought us solace, reminding us of the impact DG had on so many lives. Thank you also to our friends at Kenya Airways (KQ) as well as those in the Insurance sector for your care and comfort.

To the excellent organizing committees in both Nairobi and Ngariama who worked tirelessly and with total dedication to accord DG a befitting send-off, we also extend our appreciation.

Finally, to our families in Mombasa, Taita, Ngariama, our Karen community, the extended family and friends, your unwavering love and presence have been our pillar of strength.

The meals, the company, the shoulders to cry on and the shared memories have been a tremendous source of comfort.

Some of you travelled long distances to be  with us. Though we are unable to mention you by name here, please know that your support is deeply appreciated and we are forever grateful. 

THANK YOU ALL for visiting us, praying with us, praying for us, sending us comforting messages, providing invaluable spiritual, emotional, material and financial support.We are deeply touched by the outpouring of love and kindness from everyone.

Though our hearts are heavy, we are comforted by the knowledge that DG was surrounded by so much love. May God bless you all abundantly.

“DG, In God’s Hands You Rest, In Our Hearts You Remain Forever

https://i0.wp.com/www.ripkenya.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/DAVID-GACHEWA-DG.png?fit=316%2C360&ssl=1https://i0.wp.com/www.ripkenya.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/DAVID-GACHEWA-DG.png?resize=150%2C150&ssl=1adminAppreciationsDAVID GACHEWA (DG),death of DAVID GACHEWA (DG)
30th August 1963 – 31st July 2024 We, the family of the late David Gachewa (DG), would like to thank and praise God for the gift of DG, the years we shared with him and the way he touched each of our lives in a special way. To Rev. Jandson Njoroge, Rev. Simon Chomba,...