Sunrise: 1954 – Sunset: 02/11/2020
It is with profound sadness and acceptance of God’s will that we announce the promotion to glory of Mr. Bernard Mangia Mbengei (Business man Kalongo) on 2nd November, 2020.
Beloved son of the late Ntheketha Mbengei and the late Veronica Ndindi. Husband of Margret Mueni. Father of Daniel Kioko, Bernard Kavita (KAA), Felisters Katiwa (Premese Makueni), Joachim Ntheketha (Canada) and Charles Mangia (Invesco, Machakos). Brother of John, Dominic,Annastacia and Fredrick. Father-in-law of Joyce Mumbua, Janet Nthambi, Doreen Murugi (Canada) and Matilda Mumbua. Grandfather of Ryan, Valeria, Ben, Shirleen, Muuo and Jayden Mangia.
Friends and relatives are meeting daily for prayers and funeral arrangements at Mbisuni Grills (Machakos) and at his home Kyamatheka village from 5:30pm.
The cortege leaves Montezuma Monalisa Funeral Home, Machakos on Thursday 12th November, 2020 at 8:00am for funeral service and thereafter burial at his home in Kyamatheka village, Kalongo Location, Makueni County.
Dad, In God’s hands you rest, in our hearts you remain forever.
2nd Timothy 4:7 “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” and funeralBERNARD MANGIA MBENGEI,Death of BERNARD MANGIA MBENGEI
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