Sunrise: 1940 – Sunset: 11/12/2020
It is with humble acceptance that we announce the demise of Bernard Mbuthi Itotia of Kiambu County, Kanyariri sub county, Kabete constituency Muthure village.
Son of the late Shadrack Itotia (Kimana) and the late Keziah Nyokabi (Nyabarabiu). Loving Husband of Rachael Wanjiku Itotia. Father of Daniel Itotia Mbuthi and Margaret Wambui Itotia, Pauline Nyokabi Ng’ang’a and John Ng’ang’a Muigai, Doris Wanjiru Njogu and Simon Njogu Njenga, Joe Kimachia Mbuthi and Rachael Wairimu Kimachia, Carol Kanini Kinuthia and Francis Kinuthia Mbuthia and the late James Karanja. Brother of Eunice Njambi Kabuu, Jane Njoki Itotia, and the late Irene Njeri Mung’ara (Kanini), Josphine Thira Njogu, Peter Kimacla Itotia and Edwin Ngugi Itotia.
Family and Friends are meeting at His home in Muthure village everyday at 3.00p.m.
The cortege leaves St. Teresa Funeral Home Kikuyu on 22nd December 2020 at 8.00am, thereafter to St. Anne’s Catholic Church Muthure for the funeral service and later he will be laid to rest at his home in Gathunguri Muthure.
Revelation 21:4 And He will wipe out every tear from their eyes and death will be no more neither will be mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. and funeralBERNARD MBUTHI ITOTIA,Death of BERNARD MBUTHI ITOTIA
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