Sunrise: 28/05/1949 – Sunset: 04/01/2021

We celebrate the ascension to glory of Edward Wanyonyi Masibili on 04/01/2021. Husband to Roselyn Udoto & Beatrice Mulati.

Son of the late Daniel Masibili Chebukosi and Maria Masibili.

Dad of Hezron, the late jack,Tim, Paul, Michelle, Darrel, Mercy, Sylvia, Chris, Elvis, Maria. Brother of Evelyn, Dick, Peter, Judith, Moses, Evans, Violet, Rev. Reuben, Lydia, Chris, Catherine, Susan, Rose, Lynette, Nelly, Pamela, Ferdinand, Violet. Christine, Caroline, Martin, Andrew, Nafula. Cousin of Festus,Tom, Eliphaz, among others.

Son in-law of the late Paulo & Robai Udoto and Japheth & Selina Mulati.

Brother in-law of Chris Wanyama, Charles Busolo, Bennet & Nashon Udoto, Wycliffe Wekesa & George Waswa among many others. Father in-law of Aidah, Gloria, Joy and Laura. Grandfather of Claire, Leon, Lloyd, Ether, Dante, Theo, Berty, Ted, Lewis. He was nephew, cousin and uncle of the Reuben family and nephew, cousin and uncle of the Chebukosi family.

Prayers services and harambees take place at his parents home in Maraka on 10/01/2021, and his homes; Misikhu on Tuesday 12/01/2021 and Sang’alo on Wednesday 13/012/2021 from 10:00am.

The cortege leaves MTRH hospital mortuary on Friday 15/01/2021 for Bungoma.

The burial service will be held on Saturday 16/01/2021 at his home In Sang’alo-Siaka village, Bungoma County from 09:00am.

2 Timothy 4:7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.

https://i0.wp.com/www.ripkenya.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/EDWARD-WANYONYI-MASIBILI-1.png?fit=321%2C387&ssl=1https://i0.wp.com/www.ripkenya.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/EDWARD-WANYONYI-MASIBILI-1.png?resize=150%2C150&ssl=1adminDeath and funeralDeath of EDWARD WANYONYI MASIBILI,EDWARD WANYONYI MASIBILI
Sunrise: 28/05/1949 – Sunset: 04/01/2021 We celebrate the ascension to glory of Edward Wanyonyi Masibili on 04/01/2021. Husband to Roselyn Udoto & Beatrice Mulati. Son of the late Daniel Masibili Chebukosi and Maria Masibili. Dad of Hezron, the late jack,Tim, Paul, Michelle, Darrel, Mercy, Sylvia, Chris, Elvis, Maria. Brother of Evelyn, Dick,...