Born: 25/06/1935 ~ Rested: 03/05/2024


We the family of the late Rtd. Elder Peris Muthoni Ngubu Muiyuro would like to thank God for the gift of a life well lived.

She rested on 3rd May 2024. Special thanks to the entire PCEA Church Fraternity. PCEA Thika Presbytery; PCEA Gatanga/ Kigio Kirk Sessions and all their members who were present during the burial on 10th May 2024.

Our profound gratitude to Dr. Daniel Githegi and his team of Doctors at Aga Khan Hospital including Dr. Anne Mwirigi who treated and observed Mum during her illness.

We also appreciate her carers Edwin Kana, Rebecca, Joan and Nurse Grace Wairimu.

We acknowledge with appreciation the work of the Funeral Organizing Committees ably led by Hon. Peter Kenneth who gave oversight and overwhelming support.

Very special thanks to our very supportive Inlaws, Elimwa Family, Relatives, Friends, Neighbours and Well-wishers for your overwhelming support through prayers,

visitations, expression of love and kindness shown during the period of Mum’s sickness and bereavement.

Our Dear Mum, we are very grateful to Almighty God for the years He gave you to us and we drew so much from your mentorship and service to the Kingdom.

That you are in God’s Presence and Perfect Peace, free from sickness; we give God Thanks.

Till we meet again at Jesus Feet.

Rest in Eternal Peace.

“He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain any more, for the former things have passed away”. Revelation 21:4

Born: 25/06/1935 ~ Rested: 03/05/2024 APPRECIATION We the family of the late Rtd. Elder Peris Muthoni Ngubu Muiyuro would like to thank God for the gift of a life well lived. She rested on 3rd May 2024. Special thanks to the entire PCEA Church Fraternity. PCEA Thika Presbytery; PCEA Gatanga/ Kigio Kirk Sessions and...