In Loving Memory

1970 – 2023

We are sad to announce the death of Richard Ouko Obonyo of Mogweko Sub-Location, Irianyi Location, Mogweko Village, Kisii County. Was an employee of Total Energies Kenya.

Son to the late Jackson Obonyo Moronge and Eunice Nyangweso Obonyo.

Loving husband to Jane Kemuma Mosigisi of Noonkopir Secondary School — Kitengela, Father to Grace, Hilary, Elvis and Faith.

Son-in-law to the late Matayo Ongechi and Agnes Kwamboka Mosigisi. Brother in-law to Orina, Momanyi, Moraa, Joyce, Joseph, John, Evans, Beatrice, Richard and Samuel.

Brother to Anyona, Onwonga, Drusila, Grace, Henry, Jemima, the late Tenesias, Jane, Enock, Mercyline, Justin, Samuel and Gladys.

In—law to Thakane, Dominic, the late Onyancha, Julian, Margret, Evalyne, Jared, Mary, Omanga, Vane, Evalyne, Ogata.

Nephew to Mogute, the late Omote, Ongeri, the late Bosire, the late Nyandoro, Ratemo, Mokaya, Isaac, Ochwangi, Mongeri and others.

Cousin to Ongeris, Omotes, Mwebis, Mokayas, Ratemos, Bosires, Isaacs, Ochwangis, Mongeris, Nyanginchas, Ombakis, Nyauntus and others.

Uncle to Moronges, Moncharis, Tirimbas, Oliphah, Nyangwesos, Collins, Ken, Maxwel, Raphael and many others.

The cortege leaves Montezuma Funeral Home on Thursday, 28th September, 2023 at 7.30am for a church service and viewing at Karengata SDA Church (Opp Galleria) from 8.00am to 09.00 am and thereafter leaves for an overnight stay at his home in Keroka.

The burial will be held on Friday, 29th September, 2023 at his home in Mogweko, Nyaribari Masaba Sub-county, Kisii County.

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the ‘ faith” 2 Timothy 4:7

https://i0.wp.com/www.ripkenya.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/ELDER-RICHARD-OUKO-OBONYO.jpg?fit=480%2C527&ssl=1https://i0.wp.com/www.ripkenya.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/ELDER-RICHARD-OUKO-OBONYO.jpg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=1adminDeath and funeralDeath of ELDER RICHARD OUKO OBONYO,ELDER RICHARD OUKO OBONYO
In Loving Memory 1970 – 2023 We are sad to announce the death of Richard Ouko Obonyo of Mogweko Sub-Location, Irianyi Location, Mogweko Village, Kisii County. Was an employee of Total Energies Kenya. Son to the late Jackson Obonyo Moronge and Eunice Nyangweso Obonyo. Loving husband to Jane Kemuma Mosigisi of Noonkopir Secondary...