1st Anniversary

A Year has passed since you painfully left us for your heavenly abode, yet it seems just like yesterday.

The pain of your absence remains as fresh as ever.

For us you were the light of our lives, a beacon of love, kindness and unwavering strength.

Not a day passes without us thinking of you and though time will soften the edges of our grief, the void you left in our hearts can never be filled.

As we remember you today. we reflect the countless beautiful memories we shared.

Your gentle smile and comforting words are treasures we hold close to our hearts.

You are dearly missed by your husband, children, grandchildren, friends and relatives.

The family deeply appreciates the support and love we have received from the church, family members/friends and all our social welfare groups.

“If we live,we live for the Lord, and if we die, we die to the lord; So then,whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.” Romans 14.8

Forever missed, forever treasured, forever loved of Eunice Njoki Thumbi,Eunice Njoki Thumbi
1st Anniversary A Year has passed since you painfully left us for your heavenly abode, yet it seems just like yesterday. The pain of your absence remains as fresh as ever. For us you were the light of our lives, a beacon of love, kindness and unwavering strength. Not a day passes without us...