Sunrise: 1964 — Sunset: 2022

It is with profound sadness that we announce the sudden death of Geoffrey Gitobu Mutiira of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission, which occurred on 22nd August, 2022. Until his death, he served as the Senior Elections Manager and the Returning Officer of Gichugu Constituency, Kirinyaga County in the just concluded General Elections.

Beloved husband to Catherine Kagwiria and father to Rhodes Kinoti, Tunu Gatwiri and Amana Nkirote. The second born to the late Mutiiria M’Mbuui and Charity Mutiiria. Son-in-law to the late M’Kirimania Mutwerandu and late Ziporah Kairigo.

Brother to Jecinta Nyengera, Stephen Muriuki, Samwel Murithi,Agnes Kinya and Moses Mutuma. Brother-in-law to late Gervasius Miriti, Agnes Muriuki, Lucy Murithi, Henry Kiambi, Phylis Mutuma, Mercy Murianki, Mwiti, the late Njooni, Mwongera Kimonye, Mutwiri and Mwenda. Beloved cousin, uncle and grandfather to many.

The cortege will leave Nanyuki Cottage Hospital Mortuary on Wednesday, 8.00am for burial service at his home at Maruirui – Ntugi Marurui village, Buuri Constituency, Meru County from 10.00am.

In God’s hands you rest, in our hearts you will be remembered forever.

adminDeath and funeral
Sunrise: 1964 — Sunset: 2022 It is with profound sadness that we announce the sudden death of Geoffrey Gitobu Mutiira of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission, which occurred on 22nd August, 2022. Until his death, he served as the Senior Elections Manager and the Returning Officer of Gichugu Constituency,...