Sunrise: 1949 — Sunset: 24/06/2023

It is with humility that we announce the promotion to glory of our loving mum Mama Helida Odundo of Rongo, Nyarach in Migori County on June, 24th 2023.

She was the wife of the late Mzee William Odundo. Mother to the late Eunice, Grace, Ruth, Martha, Phoebe, Ezekiel, the late Simon, Liz, Boaz, Joy and Esther.

Sister to John Wandhawa, Richard Opiyo, Catherine, & the late Selina Wambi of Gem Siaya county.

Grandmother to Sam, David, Jerry, Jackie, Judy, Steve, Otis, Rachel, Dorothy, Betty, Derrick, Ian, Angie, Hilder, Ashlyn, Blessing, Abraham, Karen, Neema, Asaph, Mercy, Mabruk, Jacob, Favour and Noah.

Great grandmother to Myra, Maya, Bev,A cle, Carnegie, Zawadi and Randy.

Mother-in-law to Elisha Ochare, Jorim Osodo, Ayieko Timona, Celine Otieno, June Achien’g.

A memorial service will be held at Montezuma & Monelisa Funeral Home on Thursday, 13th July 2023.

The body will be airlifted to Kisumu the same day and then the entourage will proceed to her home in Nyarach, Rongo Subcounty. The burial service led by her home church Children of God. Regeneration will be held July 15th 2023, at her farm in Nyarach Village, Rongo sub county, Migori County.

Zaburi 116: 15 Yweyo mar jo maler mag Nyasaye, ni gi nengo maduong’ e nyim Jehova.

https://i0.wp.com/www.ripkenya.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/HELIDA-OLANGO-ODUNDO.jpg?fit=480%2C547&ssl=1https://i0.wp.com/www.ripkenya.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/HELIDA-OLANGO-ODUNDO.jpg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=1adminDeath and funeralHELIDA OLANG’O ODUNDO
Sunrise: 1949 — Sunset: 24/06/2023 It is with humility that we announce the promotion to glory of our loving mum Mama Helida Odundo of Rongo, Nyarach in Migori County on June, 24th 2023. She was the wife of the late Mzee William Odundo. Mother to the late Eunice, Grace, Ruth, Martha,...