It is with deep sorrow and acceptance of God’s will, we announce the death of Hellen Moraa Isoe at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, USA.

Wife of Samuel Isoe Kumenda.

Daughter of King’oina Kenyuri and Rebecca King’oina of Kemera (both late).

Step daughter of Grace King’oina.

Mother of Dr Charles Ateka, Nyarangi Emma & Sharon.

Daughter-in-law of the late Samuel Kumenda and Miriam Nyanchama of Nyabogoye Village of

Gesima Ward, Nyamira County. Mother-in-law of Isaac Ndubi & Benson Titilola (USA).

Sister-in-law of Samson, Jason, Dr. Kumenda and others. In-law of Job of Jobliu Telecoms.

Sister of the late Elijah, Zipporah, Pauline, Kemunto, Doris, Nyakundi, Gesare, Joseph and Enoch.

Niece of the late Karata, the late Ngonko, Moraa, Ombaba and many others. Aunty of many.

Cousin of David Migiro, Joshua, Joseph Ratemo, Boaz, Bochere and many others.

Grandmother of Moraa, Tropher Benson & Roman King (USA).

Funeral arrangements are going at Nairobi, their home, New Kitusuru and at Nyabogoye Village.

Burial will be on 28th June 2024.

Contributions towards offsetting funeral expenses be can be made through Paybill No.6739380,

Acc. (Name), Hellen Moraa Isoe Funeral Fund.

https://i0.wp.com/www.ripkenya.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/HELLEN-MORAA-ISOE.png?fit=323%2C269&ssl=1https://i0.wp.com/www.ripkenya.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/HELLEN-MORAA-ISOE.png?resize=150%2C150&ssl=1adminDeath and funeralDeath of HELLEN MORAA ISOE,HELLEN MORAA ISOE
It is with deep sorrow and acceptance of God’s will, we announce the death of Hellen Moraa Isoe at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, USA. Wife of Samuel Isoe Kumenda. Daughter of King’oina Kenyuri and Rebecca King’oina of Kemera (both late). Step daughter of Grace King’oina. Mother of Dr Charles Ateka, Nyarangi Emma &...