The death has occurred of His Excellency Hon. Nelson Mahanga Mwita, 1st Deputy Governor of Migori County (2013 – 2022).

He was the son of the late Mwtta Chacha and late Ludia Mogesi of Gwitembe, Ntimaru Sub-county.

He was the husband to the late Mary Boke Maroa and Consolata Nyomahe Sabai. He was father to the late Dr. Geoffrey Maroa Mahanga, Jane Mandiga Mahanga, Lydia Robi Mahanga, Susan Boke Mahanga, Leah Matinde Mahanga and Ezrom Mwita Mahanga.

He was brother to Gati, Nakso, Erastus (Rasto) Wambura, Gideon Marwajohn Roswe (all deceased), Maseke and Lucia Gati,

He was father-in-law to Paul Karanja, Nicholas Gitau Kinuthia and Faustine Wainkuru Marwa.

He was Korera to the Late Mburu Njuguna, Anne Mburu, the late Francis Kinuthia Gitau, Kezia Wanjiru Kinuthia, Sawi Mwita and Mboto Sawi.

He was son-in-law to the late Maroa Gire and Muigora Maroa and the late Sabai Nyairiga and Colletta Sabai. He was brother-in-law to Matiko, Nyahure, Mahiri, Tabitha, Samson Chacha, Joseph Sabai, Christina, Kirahi, Mary and Suzan.

He was grandfather to Sandra Rob Maroa, Salty Gati Maroa. Rodney M Wambui; Nathaniel Mwita, Raphael Kinuthia, Reuben Mwaura Maroa; Mary Bholo; Jeremy Maroa, Jude Karania, Nuru Jahenda and Maria Boke

Family and friends are meeting daily at his residence at Kabaa, Riruta, Dagoretti South and at his home at Gwitembe, Ntimaru Subcounty, Migori County with the requiem at Nairobi Central SDA Church on September 19th 2023 at 10.00am.

The cortege leaves Lee Funeral Home at 6:00am on September 20th 2023 for its final journey by road to Gwitembe, with brief viewing stops at Migori and Kehancha.

The funeral rites will be held at Gwitembe on September 21 2023 starting from 10.00am.

https://i0.wp.com/www.ripkenya.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/HIS-EXCELLENCY-HON.-NELSON-MAHANGA-MWITA.jpg?fit=480%2C570&ssl=1https://i0.wp.com/www.ripkenya.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/HIS-EXCELLENCY-HON.-NELSON-MAHANGA-MWITA.jpg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=1adminDeath and funeralDeath of HIS EXCELLENCY HON. NELSON MAHANGA MWITA,HIS EXCELLENCY HON. NELSON MAHANGA MWITA
The death has occurred of His Excellency Hon. Nelson Mahanga Mwita, 1st Deputy Governor of Migori County (2013 – 2022). He was the son of the late Mwtta Chacha and late Ludia Mogesi of Gwitembe, Ntimaru Sub-county. He was the husband to the late Mary Boke Maroa and Consolata Nyomahe Sabai....