Sunrise: 1944 – Sunset: 30th August, 2022

It is with heavy hearts, yet with the acceptance of God’s will that we wish to announce the passing of our dear dad Isaac Chemiryo Kandie after battling long-term illness.

He was a loving son to the late Kandie Chemjor and the late Ruth Kobilo Kandie of Kirobon, Sabatia Location, Baringo county. Brother to Martha Cheptoo and Grace Chepsergon. Loving Husband to Mary Kabon Chemiryo.

Father to Janet Chemiryo, Moses Chemiryo, Irene Chemiryo, Duncan Chemiryo, Ben Chemiryo, Sharon Chemiryo, Cynthia Chemiryo, Victor Chemiryo and Brian Chemiryo.

Father-in-law to Alex Kotut, Julia Kimanyim, Jackton Cherono, Fiona Kemboi, Lynne Mengich, Evans Sankori, Calarate Kenei and Gladys Sergon. He was blessed with 37 grandchildren namely; Denis,Andrew, Edgar among others. He was blessed with 5 great grandchildren.

Brother in law to Charles Cheptoo and the late Haron Chepsergon.

Family and friends are meeting at his home in Kirobon, Sabatia location, Baringo County every day for prayers and planning.

The cortege leaves Valley Hospital Funeral Home on Friday, 9th September, 2022 at 8.00am for church service and burial at his Home in Kirobon sub location, Sabatia Location, Baringo County.

Rev: 21:4 “And he will wipe out every tear, from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”

Sunrise: 1944 – Sunset: 30th August, 2022 It is with heavy hearts, yet with the acceptance of God’s will that we wish to announce the passing of our dear dad Isaac Chemiryo Kandie after battling long-term illness. He was a loving son to the late Kandie Chemjor and the late Ruth...