We regret to announce the death of Mr. Jackson Kimeu Makau, which occurred on 3rd September, 2023.

Son of the late David Makau Wambua and the late Agnes Mulau Makau. Son-in-law to the late Jonathan Muli and the late Ruth ltumbi.

Husband to Susan Ndungwa Kimeu.

Brother to the late Loise Mutende Muasya, Phillip Kasyoka and the late Hon. Johnstone Muendo Makau.

Brother-in-law to Jerinah Muendo and Alice Kasyoka.

Father to Peterson Kimeu, Japheth Kimeu, Jedidah Mwende, Gerald Kimeu and Jeffrey Kimeu.

Father-in-law to Janet Kagendo, Teresia Nzisa,Winfred Maina and Irene Nduku.

Grandfather to Faith Mwende, Jackline, Max, Pinky, Scott,Alex, Daisy, Nzilan Mueni, Collins, Gift and Faith Ndungwa. Great-grandfather to Kevin Baraka.

Uncle to Maangi, Mwongeli, Musyoka, Wambua, Mwende, Mutiso, Pastor Hellen, Principal Muasya, Johnstone Muli, Mwende, Eunice, Nthenya, Amina, Nduku, Muange, Mutheu, Katumbi, Ndungi, Walker and Mbisu among others.

In-law to the Kibaya, Njeru, Katunga and Maina families.

The cortege leaves Montezuma Funeral Home – Machakos on Saturday 16th September, 2023 at 07.00am for burial service at Yambae Primary School grounds. Thereafter, he will be laid to rest at his home in Ukanga Village, Uthiuni Sub-location, Mbooni West Sub-county in Makueni County.

There will be a mini harambee at Gateway Mall, 2nd Floor on Wednesday 13th September, 2023 as well as at Sagret Hotel – Milimani on Thursday 14th September, 2023.

Dad, you fought a good fight, finished the race & kept your faith. Rest in Peace. AMEN!

https://i0.wp.com/www.ripkenya.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/JACKSON-KIMEU-MAKAU.jpg?fit=473%2C640&ssl=1https://i0.wp.com/www.ripkenya.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/JACKSON-KIMEU-MAKAU.jpg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=1adminDeath and funeralDeath of JACKSON KIMEU MAKAU,JACKSON KIMEU MAKAU
We regret to announce the death of Mr. Jackson Kimeu Makau, which occurred on 3rd September, 2023. Son of the late David Makau Wambua and the late Agnes Mulau Makau. Son-in-law to the late Jonathan Muli and the late Ruth ltumbi. Husband to Susan Ndungwa Kimeu. Brother to the late Loise Mutende...