It is with deep sorrow that we announce the death of Jacob Kiprop Birech which occurred on 6th of April 2023 at Overland Park, Kansas USA as a result of tragic accident.

Son of the late Philip and the late Constantine Rono of Kiborgok village, Kapkangani Location, Nandi County.

Loving husband to Penina (USA). Beloved father to Natalie, Philip, Joshua (USA) and Caren.

Brother to Amb Kipyego Cheluget (Nyerere Peace Centre), Susan Lentoimaga, Sarah Rotich, Isaac Cheluget (USA),Abraham Cheluget (USA), Ruth Rono (USA), Grace Rono (IEBC) and Evelyn Rono (USA).

Cousin to Eric Cheluget, the late Mark Cheluget, the late Rhoda and Jane Cheluget, Milka and Dorcas, David, Chris, Flora, Rael Laboso, Benre, Ruth and the late Moses .

Aunt Anna Ngisirei, Elizabeth Mwei.

Uncle to Jepchumba, John-paul, Daniel, Anna Missy, Juliana Rotich, Pauline Rotich, Eng Hillary Koech, Norbert, Faith, Irene, Eng Emmanuel, Eng Stephany, Maureen, Brenda, Emmanuel, Amos Maru, Kevin Kibet, Ian and many others.

Brother-in-law to Ruth Cheluget, Flora Murei(USA), Roselyn Cheluget (USA).

Son-in-Law to Mr and Mrs Isaac Cheboi of Chepkorio village, Brother in law to Rebecca, Beatrice, Serah, the late Timothy, Winnie, and Andrew, Abraham Kut (USA), Andrew Maru (Moi university), the late Dismas Rotich the late Boniface Lentoimaga.

The cortege leaves LEE Funeral Home on 28th April 2023 for funeral service and overnight vigil at home Kiborgok. Interment will be on Saturday, 29th April 2023 at home Kiborgok Village, Kapkangani Location, Nandi County.

Friends and family continues to support family through Paybill no . no 7548710.

2 Timothy 2:11 —The saying is trustworthy, for: if we have died with him, we will also live with him.

https://i0.wp.com/www.ripkenya.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/JACOB-KIPROP-BIRECH.jpg?fit=480%2C565&ssl=1https://i0.wp.com/www.ripkenya.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/JACOB-KIPROP-BIRECH.jpg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=1adminDeath and funeraldEATH OF JACOB KIPROP BIRECH,JACOB KIPROP BIRECH
It is with deep sorrow that we announce the death of Jacob Kiprop Birech which occurred on 6th of April 2023 at Overland Park, Kansas USA as a result of tragic accident. Son of the late Philip and the late Constantine Rono of Kiborgok village, Kapkangani Location, Nandi County. Loving husband...