Sunrise: 1939 — Sunset:14/03/2023
It is with humble acceptance of God’s will that we announce the passing on of Jelliah Nyaera Onchwari, which occurred on 14/03/2023.
Daughter of Riro Oweri and the late Moraa of Nyakongo Village, Manga Division. Sister of the late Bilia Mong’ina, the late Osogo Ooko, Francisca Nyaboke Aranga, Mellen Nyanchera Mogaka, the late Jones Mose and Hellen Nyanchama Nyakagwa.
Wife of Micah Onchwari Gesembe. Mother of Era tus Ondieki, Joshua Nyakaru, the late Jane Moraa, Gideon Mogaka, Hezron Atuti, Stephen Gesembe and Gladys Kemunto. Mother-in-law of Mary, Florence, the late Jasper, Irene, Rael, Martin Makori. Grandmother of Michael, Judy, Winnie, Debbie, Gordon, Anita, Felicia, Adrian, Stephon, Skylar, Stan, Naomi, Micah, Edwin, Lucy, Michael and Ateka.
Sister-in-law of Livingston Obwonda, the late Aristarico Ateka, the late Milka Ateka, the late Mong’ina Bilia, the late Misiga Gesembe, the late Mogeni, the late Mabururu, the late Nyang’icha, the late Okebiro, Pastor Ikoobe Abeere, the late Ong’ondi, the late Monyacha, Daniel Mogaka, the late Abel Aminga, the late Nyakagwa, the late Aranga, the late Joyce Mose, the late Yovencia.
Aunt of Atekas, Mogenis, Nyang’ichas, lkobes, Mogakas, Nyakagwas, Arangas, Aming’as, Mose’s, Riros, Mabururus, Bwondas, Monyanchas, Okiambes, Magetos, among others.
Korera of Mariam Osebe,Tabitha Abuga, the late Osebe, the late Abere, the late Nyarinda, the late Moseti, the late emima, the late Onyambu, the late Marita, the late Motari, the late Chute, the late Joyce, the late Makori and the late Lucy.
Burial date will be on 31/03/2023 at her home in Marani Sub-county, Sensi Location, Nyabworoba Sub-location, Riabotenene Village. and funeralDeath of JELLIAH NYAERA ONCHWARI,JELLIAH NYAERA ONCHWARI
Well, let me have a rule and a saw and a board and I’ll cut it
I’ll climb up a ladder with a hammer and a nail and I’ll nail it
Well, we worked so hard to build a little house together
In the snow or the rain or the ice-cold wind, whenever