We regret to announce the death of John L. O. Kinaro, Retired Principal Musingu, Kakamega and Kisii Schools, the son of Justus and Miriam and Milcah Kinaro and son-in Law of Joel, Zipporah and Jones Khamadi.

Husband of Malesi Khamadi Kinaro. Father of Geraldine, Pamela, Riziki, Lina, Bantu, Winnie, Joel (JK), Nicky and Nyariki.

Father in law of Evans Kadaji, Wiseman Misango, Paul Ombayi, Arthur Mwenesi and Millicent Otieno.

Grandfather of Mellab, Barbara, Lisa (Toma), Alvin, Stephanie, Nana, Whitney, Alvin, Malesi, Michelle, Kinda Ongaga, Mich, Mboya, Amali, Kerubo, Malesi, Ongaga Johari, Jelani, Jazarah, June, Amari Ongaga,Tandi, Sesi, Janet, Sasha, Babu, Cindy, Mecha, and the late Jessey.

Great grand father of Winnie, Jabali, Mali Ongaga, Myron, Liberty, Imani, Azariah, Atara and Blessing.

He is the brother of the late George Anunda, Joash Kinaro, Hellen Ratemo, the late Naftali, the late Japheth Onduko, Nyasimi, Machuma, Marcela Njuguna, Isaac, Charles Kinaro, Zachariah, Rose, Eunice, Alice, Karen, Rachael, Nyanchama, Obworo, Mugambi, the late Shem, Nyamoita, the late Ben Osoro, Kepha Osoro, Psts. Mayaka, Stephen Osoro, Arani, Achutis Nyambaroras Nyangoros , Anasis, Nyambames among others.

Brother in law of the late Murila, Debra, Esther, Zablon, Robai, Dina & Wanene, Tom and Njuguna; and Prof Miriam & Humphreys Were, Ben, Grace & Fred Ojiambo, Zipporah, Shihunwa, Lydia, Mutola, Sammy, Ratemo Magutu, Peris, Mary, Yunuke, Maria, Beatrice, Kemuntos, Edith, Teresa, Asina, Francis, Justus, Abel, Jackline, Mercy and Bilhia.

Uncle of Phylis, Samoel, Nyanchamas, Nyamoitas, Nyangaus, Obworos, Achutis, Nyangaras, Mayakas, Mogwambos, Osoros, Murilas, Mudeheris, Alis, Mulusas, Rakamas, Wanenes, Amunyas and Khamadis among others.

The cortege leaves Kakamega Funeral Parlor on Wednesday 24th July 2024 for a memorial service at Kakamega High School and thereafter an over night stay his Kakamega home.

Burial will take place in Kenyenya Village, Nyabisimba Location in Nyamira County on 26th July 2024.

Psm 46:10 Be still and know I am God and funeralDeath of John L. O. Kinaro,John L. O. Kinaro
We regret to announce the death of John L. O. Kinaro, Retired Principal Musingu, Kakamega and Kisii Schools, the son of Justus and Miriam and Milcah Kinaro and son-in Law of Joel, Zipporah and Jones Khamadi. Husband of Malesi Khamadi Kinaro. Father of Geraldine, Pamela, Riziki, Lina, Bantu, Winnie, Joel (JK),...