Sunrise: 10/08/1958 — Sunset: 02/10/2022
It is with heavy hearts and humble acceptance of God’s will that we announce the death of Mrs. Josephine Nyang’or, that occurred on 02/10/2022. Formerly an Agricultural Officer at Ndhiwa, retired from the Ministry of Agriculture in 2018.
Loving wife to retired Principal Chief Homabay County Jacob Nyang’or. Loving mother to Sr. Victorine (Loreto Sisters), Berryl, Irene, Sally, Nevline, Herozumi & Addah, Eng. Hillary, Wallace, Zena, Vincent, Kezia, Hempstone, Clifford, Rita and Faith.
Daughter to the late Richard Nyangao and the late Addah Nyangao. Daughter-in-law to the late Wilson Nyang’or and the late Siprosa Nyangweso. Adored sister to the late Alphonse, Doreen Orwa the late Patrice, Edna Cods, the late Adonija, Millicent Aseda, Christine Nyang’or, Nelson Nyangao and Dr. Ambrose Nyangao. Sister-in-law to Margaret, Sospeter, Emma Lilian, among others.
Grandmother to Frances, Ivy, Pauline, Clement, Kibet, Jayden, Lucky, Kiprop, Wusiza, Josephine and Wallace Abraham.
Mother-in-law to David, Nicholas, Naomi Peter, among others. A cousin and aunty to many. A friend to many including; Mrs Herine Makene and Merceline Okello.
The cortege leaves Kirindo Mortuary on 20/10/2022 for the funeral service at Ndhiwa ACK Church, before proceeding to Gwassi Seka on the same day. She will be laid to rest on 21/10/2022 after the ACK Church service at her home in Gwassi, Suba.
“For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord’s.” — Romans 14:8
May the Lord receive your soul in eternal glory Nyar Gachen. and funeralDeath of JOSEPHINE NYANG’OR,JOSEPHINE NYANG’OR
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