We are saddened to announce the sudden death of Joshua Asande Osebe of Nyaibasa Village, Gachuba Location, Kitutu Masaba, Nyamira County, that occurred on Thursday, 19/05/2022 in Malindi, Kenya.

The deceased was son to the late Mwalimu Patroba Osebe Osebe and Mama Florence Osebe. Husband to Irene Naliaka Asande, father to Patroba Osebe Asande, Winfrey Kerubo and Synider Mokeira Asande.

He was brother to Lydia Omagwa of Bungoma, Elizabeth Osebe Mouko of Brooklyn Park MN, Dinnah Okoyo of Nakuru, the late Norah Anunda, the late Johnson Nyangau Osebe, Isaac Omari of Bungoma and Triza Osebe of Tanzania.

Brother-in-law to Advocate Omagwa Angima of Bungoma, Advocate James Mouko of Malindi, Donald Okoyo of Nyamira County, Abraham Angima of MN, Grace Puzoh, Wilkister Omari and the late Janet Omari.

Uncle to Sarah Omagwa of MN, Emmanuel Osebe Puzoh,Tatia Stephany Mouko, Dr. Sheilla Okoyo of Kapenguria, Dickson Anunda, Smartin Osebe and Wycliff Magiya of MN, Emmanuel, Miriam, Diana, Jared, Eunice, Vale, Norah, Nickta and Jayden.

Cousin to Grace Kerandi of MN, the Ngares, the Omwengas, the Mondas the Bosires, the Ondiekis, the Onwong’as, the Samwel Osebes, the lchwaras, among others.

His body is lying at Malindi District Hospital Mortuary. He will be laid to rest on 03/06/2022.

Revelation 14:13 Then I heard a voice from heaven saying to me, “write’ Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on’” Yes, says the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors and their works follow them. and funeralDeath of JOSHUA ASANDE OSEBE,JOSHUA ASANDE OSEBE
We are saddened to announce the sudden death of Joshua Asande Osebe of Nyaibasa Village, Gachuba Location, Kitutu Masaba, Nyamira County, that occurred on Thursday, 19/05/2022 in Malindi, Kenya. The deceased was son to the late Mwalimu Patroba Osebe Osebe and Mama Florence Osebe. Husband to Irene Naliaka Asande, father...