Sunrise: 1939 — Sunset: 29th March 2023

It is with humble acceptance of God’s will that we announce the passing on of Julia Aoko Ayieko on 29th March 2023 after a long illness bravely borne.

Wife to the late Mwalimu Wellington Ayieko. Beloved mother to the late William Ochieng, Musa Okoth of Canada, James A.O.Ayieko of Parliamentary Service Commission, the late Elizabeth Atieno, Annchloe Ayieko of Skope & Kraft, the late Zakayo Ndugu. Mother-in-law to the late Coleta Rotich Ochieng, Betty de Groot of Canada,Claris Arowo of County Government of Nairobi and Rev. Selestine Apondi of Diocese of Maseno West.

Grandmother to Wilbroda Achieng, Joseph Odhiambo, Julie Okoth, Anita Okoth, Julia Omondi, William Ochieng,Victor Otieno, Brian Joel Ayieko, Diana Sheila Akinyi, Eugine Ombwayo, Achieng’ Julie, Awuor Vanessa, Adhiambo Marion, Michael Ochieng and Michaela Aluoch.

Daughter-in-law to the late Mzee Zakayo Oduor & the late Mama Paulina Opodla. Daughter of the late Mzee Joel Obala & the late Mama Josephine Obala.

Sister to the late Martha Ochwada,Veronica Aloo, the late Elijah Okumu, the late Wilson Obiero, the late Justus Mwendapole, the late Albert Obala, the late Jared Obala, the late Margaret Anyango, Painito Opondo & Reuben Ojiambo.

Sister-in-law to the late Eliakim Aheho, Margaret Awino, the late John Odhiambo, the late kary Akello, Mrs. Eunice Ogolla, Mrs. Seline Asewe & the late Hendricks Otieno.

She was in law to the late Philister Arowo & Mr. Arowo Odege of Seme Reru, Anastasia Mariko & Mariko Osur of Lunjre.

The cortege leaves Aga Khan Hospital Mortuary, Kisumu on 14th April 2023 for a requiem Service at St. Peter’s Church Madungu and thereafter to a night vigil at her home and burial is scheduled for 15th April 2023 starting from 10.00am in Got-Osembe Village Madungu Sub-Location, East Uholo location, Siaya County.

https://i0.wp.com/www.ripkenya.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/JULIA-AOKO-AYIEKO.jpg?fit=480%2C562&ssl=1https://i0.wp.com/www.ripkenya.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/JULIA-AOKO-AYIEKO.jpg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=1adminDeath and funeralDeath of JULIA AOKO AYIEKO,JULIA AOKO AYIEKO
Sunrise: 1939 — Sunset: 29th March 2023 It is with humble acceptance of God’s will that we announce the passing on of Julia Aoko Ayieko on 29th March 2023 after a long illness bravely borne. Wife to the late Mwalimu Wellington Ayieko. Beloved mother to the late William Ochieng, Musa Okoth...