It is with sorrow and acceptance of God’s will that we announce the promotion to glory of Mrs. Juliana Karambu Murora after a battle with cancer bravely borne.

Daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Mutangi M’Rimbeere. Wife to Julius Murora and co wife to the late Veronica Murora. Doting mother to Cilila Nyaga formerly of Mutiguru Primary School, Gervasio Kithinji formerly of KCB Bank and Family Bank, Jevenary Gitonga of Mikumbune Secondary School, Josphat Nyamu of Eland Horn Africa Ltd, Dominic Mwiti of Igandene Day Secondary School, Japhet Muthomi of Kenya National Assembly and Benjamin Muriuki of Meru Level 5 Hospital. Mother-in-law to Gilbert Nyaga, Angela Kithinji, Nancy Gitonga, Nancy Nyamu, Joyce Mwiti, Dr. Hellen Muthomi and Poly Muriuki. Stepmother to Kiogora Murora, Mutembei Murora, Kajuju Murora and Bundi Murora.

Grandmother to Lizza Nyaga, Stepehen Nyaga, Mwenda Nyaga, Obadiah Nyaga, Kirimi Nyaga, Siphira Nyaga, Mutwiri Nyaga, Gitobu Kithinji, Kendi Losim, Gakii Kithinji, Gatwiri Gitonga, Karani Gitonga, Makena Nyamu, Alex Nyamu, Trever Nyamu, Nigel Nyamu, Mwendwa Mwiti, Kathuure Mwiti, Kanana Mwiti, Gertrude Muthomi, Gilad Muthomi, Mwenda Muriuki, Shamira Muriuki and Shanice Muriuki. Great grandmother to Asha Wataka, Caleb Kimathi, Kanana Kimathi and Shem Mugo.

Sister to M’Arithi Mutangi, M’Abira Mutangi, Mbae Mutangi, Evangeline Nchebere, Letizia M’Mugambi and Silvana M`Rithaa.

Friends and relatives are meeting daily at her home in Kibari village, Nkumari Sublocatior Mitunguu Ward, Meru County for prayers and funeral preparations.

The cortege will leave Consolata Hospital Mortuary, Nkubu on Saturday 16th October, 2021, at 10.00 a.m. for funeral service and burial at her home in Kibari Village, Nkumari Sub-location, Mitunguu Ward of Meru County.

“If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.” –Romans 14:8

https://i0.wp.com/www.ripkenya.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/JULIANA-KARAMBU-MURORA.jpg?fit=480%2C489&ssl=1https://i0.wp.com/www.ripkenya.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/JULIANA-KARAMBU-MURORA.jpg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=1adminDeath and funeralDeath of JULIANA KARAMBU MURORA,JULIANA KARAMBU MURORA
It is with sorrow and acceptance of God’s will that we announce the promotion to glory of Mrs. Juliana Karambu Murora after a battle with cancer bravely borne. Daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Mutangi M’Rimbeere. Wife to Julius Murora and co wife to the late Veronica Murora. Doting...