It is with deep sorrow and acceptance of God’s will that The Kenya Secondary Schools Heads Association Embu County, announces the death of Julius Mulei Mweu, Principal Maviani Secondary School, Mbeere South, which occurred on Sunday May 9th, 2021. Mr. Mweu was born in 1973.

Son of the late Mweu Kwinga and Anna Mukeli Mweu. Husband of Alice Nthambi. Father of Antony Mweu Mulei, Collins Mutungi, Edna Syokau, Anna Mukeli and Luckyqueen Mueni. Brother of John Kioko, Patrick Mweu, Josphat Wambua, Muema Mweu, Elizabeth Mumbua and Patricia Mbinya. Step-brother of Joseph Mbithi, Simon Kivindu, Aron Katungwa, Margret Yula, the late Rose Nzula and Elizabeth Kavuli.

The cortege leaves Kibugi Funeral Home, on Tuesday 18th May, 2021, for burial at his Kaewa home in Machakos County.

Eternal Rest Grant Unto Julius oh God. Amen!  

https://i0.wp.com/www.ripkenya.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/JULIUS-MULEI-MWEU.jpg?fit=480%2C526&ssl=1https://i0.wp.com/www.ripkenya.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/JULIUS-MULEI-MWEU.jpg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=1adminDeath and funeralDeath of JULIUS MULEI MWEU,JULIUS MULEI MWEU
It is with deep sorrow and acceptance of God’s will that The Kenya Secondary Schools Heads Association Embu County, announces the death of Julius Mulei Mweu, Principal Maviani Secondary School, Mbeere South, which occurred on Sunday May 9th, 2021. Mr. Mweu was born in 1973. Son of the late Mweu...