It is with deep sorrow that we announce the death of Kennedy Onyango Handa, who passed away on 7th April 2023 in Kisumu after battling diabetes for a while. From Mariwa Village, Rang’ala Sub-location, Ugunja Division, Siaya County.

Son of the late Morris Handa, the late Mama Margaret Handa and the late Mama Grace Handa.

Son-in-law of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Kavyu Munyasya.

Loving husband of Roselyn Mawia Kavyu. Father of Naomi Onyango, Brandon Onyango and Wellington Onyango. Uncle and grandfather of many.

Brother of the late Japheth Oloo, the late Paul Mwok., the late Nero Atieno, the late Lamech Handa, the late Anyango Ogutu, the late Omondi, the late Joyce Ademba and Grace Owino.

Brother in-law of the late Nyarwoth Oloo, Ann Mwok, the late Tabitha Aoko, Maria Mwok, Rose Awinja, the late Lucy Akoth Mwok, the late Margaret Ayuack, Mary Ayuack, the late Ogutu, the late Ademba and Angelina Omondi, Joyce Nduvi, the late Mwende John, Mwove, Mati, Wambua, Mwinzi, Bernard, Muema and Kiteme Kavyu.

The cortege will leave StarAnnex Hospital Mortuary at 10.00am on Friday, 21st April, 2023. The burial will take place at his Siaya home on Saturday, 22nd April, 2023 at 10.00a.m.

Contributions towards the funeral arrangements can be sent to Naomi Onyango 0719713940.

May God rest his soul in eternal peace. and funeralDeath of KENNEDY ONYANGO HANDA,KENNEDY ONYANGO HANDA
It is with deep sorrow that we announce the death of Kennedy Onyango Handa, who passed away on 7th April 2023 in Kisumu after battling diabetes for a while. From Mariwa Village, Rang’ala Sub-location, Ugunja Division, Siaya County. Son of the late Morris Handa, the late Mama Margaret Handa and...