It is with humble acceptance of God’s will we announce the passing on of Kitty Kainyu Kaaria of Standard Chartered Bank, Nairobi; rural home, Gikuurune sub-location. lgoji Division, Meru County, which happened on Friday, 15/09/2023 after battling cervical cancer for 1 year.

Loving wife to Kaburu Miriti (Advocate), joined in Holy Matrimony at PC.E.A Gikuurune Church on 9th August 2003. Very loving and adorable mother to Castro Ngugi of Chuka University and Faith Gakii of Loreto Girls Kiambu.

Daughter to the late Kaaria M’Muthuuri and Joyce Nchurubi, sister to Gikundi, Peter, Rima, Jane, James, Fredrick, Kiria, Kaimenyi, Eunice, Gitonga and Mwaki.

Lovely niece/daughter to the late Mugambi K. Muthuuri, Medrine Mugambi. late Timothy Mbae, Gilbert Muthuuri (Karing’a) and Phyllis Muthuuri. Lovely granddaughter to Late Judith Karimi and Late Muthuuri (Kimenchu).

Daughter in law to Mr. and Mrs. David Miriti.

Dearest cousin/ sister to Late Kawira, Late Gituma, Joan, Doreen, Muthomi, Boniface, Jennifer, Kinanu, Murimi, Dollycate, Mwirigi, Mutai, Mwenda, Kula, Ernest, Late Murithi, Late Kinyua, Late Mugendi (Gege) and late Ketty.

Sister-in-law to Eliza, Gideon, Hudson, Christopher, Jackie, Steve, Bob, Edson, Gikundi, Kirimi, Mugito, Eric, Fred, Dorothy, Justa. Mbaabu, Murangiri and many more; and adorable aunt to many little ones.

Meetings are being held at P.C.E.A Kahawa West Church Nairobi, and at her home in Kiirua village near Gikuurune boys secondary school daily.

The burial date is 22/09/2023 at their home in Kiirua village, lgoji Meru.

Psalms 116:15 Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints. and funeralDeath of KITTY KAINYU KAARIA,KITTY KAINYU KAARIA
It is with humble acceptance of God’s will we announce the passing on of Kitty Kainyu Kaaria of Standard Chartered Bank, Nairobi; rural home, Gikuurune sub-location. lgoji Division, Meru County, which happened on Friday, 15/09/2023 after battling cervical cancer for 1 year. Loving wife to Kaburu Miriti (Advocate), joined in...