Sunrise: 20/01/1979 – Sunset: 04/07/2023

We wish to announce the promotion to glory of the Late Lilian Hamaro Ngama, formerly of Tana Irrigation Scheme, National Irrigation Authority, that occurred on 4th July, 2023.

Daughter to the late Paul Ngama and Busara Ngama.

Mother to John Chiwai (JKUAT), Vincent Chaff and Daniel Karisa.

Sister to Jonathan Joseph Ngama, Jonathan Karhayu Ngama (Germany), Jonies Karhayu Ngama, the late Amon Wayu, Joseph Abiyu Ngama (Tana Irrigation Scheme), Lady Haguyoo Ngama, Roselyne Hawago Ngama, Dollen Diramo Ngama.

Cousin to Lucy Moroa, Evans Moroa, Deye Amon (Kenya Police), Abiyu Obed (Kenya Police), Father Monima Sachombe.

Niece to Mary Sachombe, Aunty to Wendy, Wesley, Asylyne, Faith, Daisy, Synthia and Hawayu.

A fundraising will be held on Wednesday 19th July 2023 from 4.00pm at her parent’s residence in Kalaule village.

Daily meetings and prayers are taking place at her parents’ residence in Hola Mission, Kalaule Village.

The body will be transferred from Star Mortuary – Malindi Town to Hola Town, Kalaule Village 21st July, 2023 for a night vigil. The body will then be laid to rest on Saturday 22″ July, 2023, at Hola Mission Site Cemetery.

Ecclesiastes 7:14: —”When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider this: God has made the one as well as the other. Therefore, no one can discover anything about their future.” and funeralDeath of LILIAN HAMARO NGAMA,LILIAN HAMARO NGAMA
Sunrise: 20/01/1979 – Sunset: 04/07/2023 We wish to announce the promotion to glory of the Late Lilian Hamaro Ngama, formerly of Tana Irrigation Scheme, National Irrigation Authority, that occurred on 4th July, 2023. Daughter to the late Paul Ngama and Busara Ngama. Mother to John Chiwai (JKUAT), Vincent Chaff and Daniel Karisa. Sister...