Sunrise: 1938 — Sunset: 11/9/2023

The family of Zacharrah Atambo Nyachieo is deeply saddened to announce the passing on of Mama Agnes Nyaboke Atambo on 11th September 2023.

She was the loving wife to Mzee Zachana Mambo Nyachieo of Amariba Village, Kiogoro Ward, Nyanban Chache Constituency, Kisii County.

She was a daughter to the late Mzee Zakayo Oigo Bichage and the late Mama Paulina Ogake &go. She was a daughter-in-law to Selina Kemunto Olga.

She was the mother to Elias Leo (Formerly KCB), Seraphine (Formally MOA). Stephen (Former teacher), Mary (NHIF), Orina, the late Torn, Margret (teacher -Nakuru), Norah (Kenyatta University), Albert (KRA) and James Peter.

She was a grandmother to Jeremy, Terry, Cece, Joshua, William, Julie. Patrick, Michael 0., Michael S., Bravo, Sheila, Moffat, Masden, Lewis, Felister, Brenda, Victor, Brighton, Wayne, Elmer, Adrian, Carol, Allan, Nelie, Sheila, Patrick, Nyaboke, Brian, Gianna and Ivy. She was a great grandmother to Ela, Kayla, and others.

She was Mother-in-law to Hon. Caliph Ogega, Joseph Aganyo, David Nyamosi, Elizabeth, Pauline, Ednah, Faith and Josephine.

She was a sister to the late Christopher Orina, Mara Mokeira. the late Priscah, the late Mokoro, the late Marcella, Onkoba,Teresa, Mellen, the late Nyambati. Esther, the late Sister Josephine,Yusapia, Susan, Banjamin and Linus.

She was a daughter-in-law to the late Anderea Nyachieo,Alexina Kwamboka, Robina Kemunto and Kemunto Nyabiage. She was a sister-in-law to Motobori,Teresia, Omundi, Cecelia, John Mary, the late Ombiro, Sannge. Keremencia, the late Akiba, Agnes, the late Anti, Manta, Mary, the late Kerubo, the late Manta, the late Charles, Oseko, Nyaboke and Mellen.

She was Korera to the late Agade and Pascalia, the late Michael and Caren, the late Ooma and Rael, Orina and the late Dorca, the late Temu Ombwon and Roseline, Nyamosi and Ruth, Irene and the late Gambo, and Ayanae and Lomuria.

Cousin to the Moruri’s, Okarl’s, Maengwe’s, Miyienda’s, Nyamburl’s, Move’s, Moochl’s and others_ She was a niece to Mokua,Akiba, Makori, Nyabena, Hon Chris Bichage and Siro among others.

Aunt to Sophia, Ignastius, Oburta, Charles and Nyabuto Ombiro, Kebwaro, Ohwaya. Hon. Steve (Drina, Hon. Cyprian Nyamwamu among others.

The cortege will leave Chrisra Marianne Hospital Mortuary on Thursday, 28′ September 2023 to Nyakegogi Catholic Parish for a requiem mass and later to her home for a night vigil.

Family, friends and relatives are meeting at home daily at 4.00pm for burial arrangements.

The fundraiser will be at home, Amariba, and Dallas, opposite Sakawa Towers Kisii, on Wednesday, 2r September 2023 at 2:00pm.

The burial ceremony will take place at Amariba SDA grounds on Friday, 29th September 2023.

I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me though he die yet shall he live and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die.’ (John 11:25-26) and funeralDeath of MAMA AGNES NYABOKE ATAMBO,MAMA AGNES NYABOKE ATAMBO
Sunrise: 1938 — Sunset: 11/9/2023 The family of Zacharrah Atambo Nyachieo is deeply saddened to announce the passing on of Mama Agnes Nyaboke Atambo on 11th September 2023. She was the loving wife to Mzee Zachana Mambo Nyachieo of Amariba Village, Kiogoro Ward, Nyanban Chache Constituency, Kisii County. She was a daughter...