Sunrise: 29/09/1953 to Sunset: 25/10/2022

It is with deep sorrow and humble acceptance that we announce the passing of Mama Merab Otieno Asimba which occurred on 25th October 2022 at the Nightingale Hospital Kisumu.

Merab was the daughter of the late Henry and the late Margaret Lichenje of Kisa Location. Daughter-in-law to the late Esau and the late Phoebe Asimba of Gem Yala.

She was the wife of David Otieno Asimba. Mother to Sussie, Caro, Agina, Grace and Omondi.

Sister to Selpher Okiya and Jackson Omusula. Sister-in-law to the late Jennifer Wandolo, the late Jane Wamiya, Deborah Onyango, Josiah Asimba, Rose Omollo, Dr Doreen A-,imba, Mordick: Asimba, the late John Agina, the late Wilson Dianga, Willis Asimba, Joshua Asimba, Judith Angira and Rebecca Ogutu.

Mother-in-law to Evans, Peter, Khadija, Washington and Joy. Grandmother to Jerry, Naurelle, Merab, Adel, Aretha, Jamal, Zurie, Bruce, Barack and Abiel. She was an Aunty to many.

The cortege leaves the Nightingale Hospital Mortuary on Friday, 11th November 2022.The burial will take place in Siaya County, Gem Sub-County, Yala Kosoro village on 13th November 2022.

Contributions to defray the hospital and funeral expenses should be sent to Mpesa Paybill 8049515. ACC#Your name.

Romans 14:8 —”If we live, we live for the Lord and if we die, we die for the Lord, so whether we live or die we belong to the Lord”.

Rest with the Angels Mum. Till we meet again. and funeralDeath of MAMA MERAB ODERA ASIMBA,MAMA MERAB ODERA ASIMBA
Sunrise: 29/09/1953 to Sunset: 25/10/2022 It is with deep sorrow and humble acceptance that we announce the passing of Mama Merab Otieno Asimba which occurred on 25th October 2022 at the Nightingale Hospital Kisumu. Merab was the daughter of the late Henry and the late Margaret Lichenje of Kisa Location. Daughter-in-law...