Sunrise: 1928 — Sunset: 19/05/2021
It is with humble acceptance of God’s will that we announce the passing of Sister in Christ Mama Mical Odongo Agingu on Wednesday 19th May 2021.
Daughter of the late Mzee Elisha Mbulo and the late Rahel Mbulo of Asembo Konyango Wera. Wife of the late Mzee Walter Agingu Gumba. Sister to Abigail Nyakwaka Ogola, the late Ishmael Odindo, the late Enock Owino Solo and the late James Ochung Mbulo. Beloved Mother to Teacher Phoebe Anyango Amwayo, Janet Sarah Akinyi Ouma, the late James Aggrey Gumba, Pamela Atieno Midianga, Mary Awuor Juma, Bishop Collins Agingu, Willis Otieno Agingu, Gordon Agingu, Nellie Jane Orwa Lester and Doris Christine Barker and spiritual mother to many, many more.
Cherished Mother-in-law to Elly Amwayo, the late James Robert Ouma, Eng. Morris Midianga, Prof. Leo Juma Ogallo, Beatrice Osindeh Agingu, The late Christine Atieno Agingu, Grace Auma Agingu, Beatrice Omukhulu Agingu, Kevin Lester Esq. and John Barker Esq. Adored Grandmother to Fred Ochieng, the late Geoffrey Odhiambo, Pastor Ken Otieno Amwayo, Judye Akoth Coombs,Wilson Midianga, Rebecca Apondi Midianga, Shinnah Atieno DeCuir, Eng. Mark Midianga, Nella Akinyi Juma, Michelle Aoko Juma, Pastor Esther Achieng Agingu ,Walter Simon Agingu, Vincent Omondi Agingu, Teacher Hesborn Okelo Agingu, Nahashon Agingu, Kennedy Agingu, Eng. Anthony Annam Agingu, Dr, Brian Check Agingu, Dennis Undo Oluoch, Sherryl Mical Agingu, Walter Elisha Agingu, Akelo Lydia Agingu, Okello Michael Lester, Akinyi Sarah Lester and Savanna Barker. Mama Mical also adopted and is survived by very many spiritual sons and daughters.
Friends and relatives are meeting virtually for funeral arrangements.
The Memorial Service will be held at ACK St. Stephen’s Cathedral, Kisumu on Wednesday 2nd June 2021, followed by burial at her home in Ratta sub-location East Seme, Kisumu county, on the same day.
Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on….They will rest from their labour, for their deeds will follow them. (Revelation 14:13)
NB:COVID-19 Protocols to be observed. and funeralDeath of MAMA MICAL ODONGO AGINGU,MAMA MICAL ODONGO AGINGU
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