The Board and The management of NHIF together with the family regret to announce the untimely demise of the of Michael Gabriel Munyi (Mwaniki youngman) of NHIF Meru Branch.

He was a loving Husband to Virginia Thaara Munyi. Father to Brenda Nyakio, Antony Macharia and Antonina Gatwiri. Foster father to Caroline Kaura and James Murithi.

Son to Late Godfrey Ngochi and Tabitha Wanyaga. Brother to Late Joseph Kariuki, Late Juster Wanjiru, late John Ndwiga (young man), Rosenancy Muthoni, Patrick Muturi, Linus Nyaga Cunguti, Mercy Kagendo, Late Samuel Nyaga, Peter Murimi, Stephen Muchiri and Augustine Mugendi.

Son in-law to John Njiru and Esther Muthoni. Brother-in-law to Facilio Njeru, Damaris Muriuki, Late Christopher Njagi and Gabriel Nyaga.

Friends and Relatives are meeting daily at his home in Ishiara from 5:00pm to 8:00pm for prayers and burial preparations. Other prayer and burial meetings are ongoing at Sunrise Comfort Hotel in Embu Town from 5:30pm to 7:00pm.

The cortege leaves Gakwegori Funeral Home at 8:00am on Wednesday, 5/7/2023, and burial will take place at his home at Karuri Village, Ishiara, Mbeere North, Embu County later in the day.

Shine on your way Michael Gabriel Munyi.

https://i0.wp.com/www.ripkenya.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/MICHAEL-GABRIEL-MUNYI-MWANIKI-YOUNGMAN.jpg?fit=480%2C526&ssl=1https://i0.wp.com/www.ripkenya.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/MICHAEL-GABRIEL-MUNYI-MWANIKI-YOUNGMAN.jpg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=1adminDeath and funeralDeath of MICHAEL GABRIEL MUNYI (MWANIKI YOUNGMAN),MICHAEL GABRIEL MUNYI (MWANIKI YOUNGMAN)
The Board and The management of NHIF together with the family regret to announce the untimely demise of the of Michael Gabriel Munyi (Mwaniki youngman) of NHIF Meru Branch. He was a loving Husband to Virginia Thaara Munyi. Father to Brenda Nyakio, Antony Macharia and Antonina Gatwiri. Foster father to...