SUNRISE: 1974 ~ SUNSET: 07/09/24

We are deeply saddened to announce the promotion to glory of Ms.Beatrice Chepleting Busienei on 7th June 2024 at MTRH Eldoret, after short illness.

Until her demise Ms. Chepleting served as Assistant Director Security services. 

She was daughter of the late Edwin and mwalimu Joan Busienei of Lessos, Kitale. She was mother of Rodney, Robin and Tom.

She was sister of Ken Kirorei (County Government), Edna Tanui (formerly of Post Bank, Elisha Busienei (Principal St.Anthonys Engoshura), Linus Busienei (U.K), Elias Busienei (formerly of KQ), Eldad, Jimmy (County govt.), Daniel, mercy (Kitale School), Michael, Miriam (County Government), Roseline, Eunice, (USA) Joyce (TSC), Damaris, Ruth (USA) and Eliud (USA). Sister in law of Ogla, Isaac, Janet, Beth (USA), Monica (Coop Bank), Betty and Elizabeth (MOH).

The cortege leaves MTRH Eldoret mortuary on Thursday 20th June 2024 for an overnight stay at her home Maili Nane, Cherangany Kitale.

The burial service shall be held on Friday 21st June 2024 at Surungai Centre starting at 9.00A.M followed by interment at her home in Maili Nane.

Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say Rejoice Philippians 4:4 and funeralMS.BEATRICE CHEPLETING BUSIENEI
SUNRISE: 1974 ~ SUNSET: 07/09/24 We are deeply saddened to announce the promotion to glory of Ms.Beatrice Chepleting Busienei on 7th June 2024 at MTRH Eldoret, after short illness. Until her demise Ms. Chepleting served as Assistant Director Security services.  She was daughter of the late Edwin and mwalimu Joan Busienei of...