Sunrise: 1924 – Sunset: 15th Nov, 2023

It is with humble acceptance of God’s will that we announce the passing on of Mulaki Ngosi Mukula on 15th November 2023.

Husband to Ruth Syombua Mulaki of Kakunike, Mwingi, Kitui County. Loving father to James Mwendwa (Formerly Nokia Networks), John Mwinzi, Naomi Katui, Joyce Kalekye (Deputy Principal-Masavi Girls), Annita Mukoli, Anna Muthakye (Businesswoman-Kamuwongo) and Julius Musili (Safaricom Ltd). Father-in-law to Bernice Mwendwa, Jemimah Mwinzi and Stella Musili. Grandfather to Anthony, Syombua, Nzagi, Victor, Mwandikwa, Mumo, Angela, among others. Great Grandfather to many.

Son to Ngosi Mukula and Kithumba Ngosi. Son-in-law to Mukoma and Koka Wasyingi. Brother-in-law to the late Mwavu, the late Nzambei, the late Koli and Karumbai.

Cousin to the late Syengo Kiteme, Muthui Kiteme, Musyoka Mulonzya, Kimwele Mulonzya, Nduni Mulonzya Kimanzi Mutisya among others.

A Memorial service will be held on 23rd November 2023 at MOHA Thika Rd (Ruaraka Sports Club, starting 2:00 p.m.), Thika Road.

The Burial will take place on 25th November, 2023 in his home in KakunikeVillage, Mwingi Kitui County.

1st Thes.4 Verses 13 to 14 But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. and funeralDeath of MULAKI NGOSI MUKULA,MULAKI NGOSI MUKULA
Sunrise: 1924 – Sunset: 15th Nov, 2023 It is with humble acceptance of God’s will that we announce the passing on of Mulaki Ngosi Mukula on 15th November 2023. Husband to Ruth Syombua Mulaki of Kakunike, Mwingi, Kitui County. Loving father to James Mwendwa (Formerly Nokia Networks), John Mwinzi, Naomi Katui,...