Sunrise: 1914 – Sunset: 13th June, 2024

The board of directors and management of Rwathia Distributors Ltd announce the promotion to glory of Mzee Gerald Gikonyo Kanyuira, CBS of Wanjerere Village, Rwathia Location, Murang’a County which occurred on 13th June, 2024 in his sleep.

He was the son of the late Kanyuira Gikonyo and the late Wachinga Kanyuira.

He was brother of the late Gichimu Kanyuira.

He was a loving and loyal husband of the late Lucy Muthoni, late Esther Wambui, late Sarah Nyambura and Mary Wangari.

He was beloved father of Stephen Kanyuira & the late Minnie Wanjiku, Nelius Wachinga, Leah Wachinga & Charles Ngangu, Paul Ndugi & Nancy Wangari, Reuben Kanyuira & Martha Wangeci, Samuel Gichimu & Esther Nyambura, Mary Wachinga, Margaret Wangari & Gichuki Maimba, Peter Kanyuira & Josphine Waitherero, Stanely Gathogo & Peris Wangu, late Margaret Wairimu, late James Gichimu & Nancy Nyambura, Grace Wachinga & late John Muchiri, Waiyego Gikonyo & Mwangi Kuria, Jane Wanjiku, Thomas Kamau & Mary Muthoni & Zipporah Wanjiru, Bernad Kamau & Mary Wangeci, John Muraguri & Lucy Wangari & Beth Njeri, Maina Gikonyo & Angela Wanja & Mary Waithera, Dr. Kanyuira Gikonyo & Lucy Muthoni, Francis Gichimu & Esther Wangari, and Javed Kamau & Eugenia Kenia Matos.

He was a grandfather, great grandfather, and great-great-grandfather to many.

He was also an uncle and friend to many.

Family and friends are meeting at Alpha Hotel, Castle Garden and at Wanjerere for funeral arrangement.

The cortege will depart from KU Funeral Home on Saturday 22/06/2024 at 6.00am followed by requiem mass at Wanjerere Primary School and thereafter, interment at his family home Wanjerere Village, Rwathia Location, Murang’a County and funeralCelebration of Life,Death of MZEE GERALD GIKONYO KANYUIRA,Mzee Gerald Gikonyo Kanyuira
Sunrise: 1914 - Sunset: 13th June, 2024 The board of directors and management of Rwathia Distributors Ltd announce the promotion to glory of Mzee Gerald Gikonyo Kanyuira, CBS of Wanjerere Village, Rwathia Location, Murang’a County which occurred on 13th June, 2024 in his sleep. He was the son of the late Kanyuira Gikonyo...