Sunrise: 01/09/1940 ~ Sunset: 14/06/2024

The board of Directors and management of PEBO KENYA LIMITED announces the promotion to glory of Mzee Peter Bogonko Onchong’a, of Bogeka Location Mosocho

Division, Kisii County which occurred on 14 th June 2024.

Mzee Bogonko was the Founder and Director of Pebo Kenya Limited.

He was son of the late Onchong’a Bosire and the late Sibia Kemunto.

Beloved husband of Hellen Kwamboka Onchong’a.

He was caring Father of Geoffrey Bogonko (Geolynk Kenya Limited), Tom Bogonko (Penol Kenya Limited) and Erick Bogonko (Pebo Junior Kenya limited).

He was cherished brother of Nyakara, Matara, Asuma, Kerebi and Momanyi (all late.)

He was step brother of Manoti, Nyachio, Makori, Evans Ogeto and Ongoro.

Mzee Bogonko was uncle of Charles, Samwel, Rachael, Yusuf, Daniel the late Rodgers and many more.

He was a doting grandfather of Chelsea, Brooklyn, Ethan Mageto, Qeensley, Peter (USA), Noah (USA), Levi (USA), Myles, Ethan and Sibia.

Father in law of Joseline, Maureen (USA) and Evalyne.

He was brother in-law of late Peter Nyangenya, late Joseph Mageto, late Joshua Momanyi, Abigael Mwango the late Mary, Getembe, Angeline and Oburu.

He was a friend to many.

Family and friends are meeting at Dans Hotel Kisii and at his home in Nyakoe every day for funeral arrangements.

The body lies at KTRH. The cortege will leave on Thursday 27th June 2024 for burial on 28th June 2024 at his home in Nyakoe, Irianyi Village, Bogeka, Mosocho Division, Kisii County.

Funeral service to take place at Monarch Hotel grounds (Mosocho). and funeralDeath of Mzee Peter Bogonko Onchong’a,Mzee Peter Bogonko Onchong’a
Sunrise: 01/09/1940 ~ Sunset: 14/06/2024 The board of Directors and management of PEBO KENYA LIMITED announces the promotion to glory of Mzee Peter Bogonko Onchong’a, of Bogeka Location Mosocho Division, Kisii County which occurred on 14 th June 2024. Mzee Bogonko was the Founder and Director of Pebo Kenya Limited. He was son of...