It is with great sorrow that we announce the sudden demise of our beloved father Mzee Richard Orwa Bwana of Kamagambo Kodero Bara Sub-location Rongo Sub-county, Migori County.

Son to the late Mzee Musa Bwana Migao and the late Mama Sabina Otieno Nyorucho of Asembo Kanyamwa and Mama Roselidah Opany.

Loving husband to mama Margaret Ogelo, the late Mama Rose Atieno and Mama Wilkista Akoth. Father to Milka, George (Kitui Multipurpose), Rasto (Nyamira County), Maureen, the late Monica, Micheal (Rongo University), Moses (Mombasa), Joash (Sigiria Primary), Priscah (Dar,TZ), Josephine (Eldoret), Sara, Peter, Ephraim, the late James, Dan (Eldoret), Banter, Rebbeca, David, the late Gedion, Antony, Jabes and Steve (Kisii).

Brother to the late Jeremiah, the late Hezekiah, the late Shem, Joseph, the late Pastor Peter Juma, the late Helen, Rose Okello, Mary.

Uncle to Peterlis, the late Ochieng, Moses, Eng. Elisha Aketch (G.A Consultant), among others. He leaves behind 51 grandchildren and 8 great-grandchildren.

The cortege leaves Christamarraine Hospital Funeral Home, today for an overnight vigil. Burial service will take place tomorrow Friday, 05/05/2023 at his home in Kodera Bara Sub-location, Migori County.

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” and funeralDeath of MZEE RICHARD ORWA BWANA,MZEE RICHARD ORWA BWANA
It is with great sorrow that we announce the sudden demise of our beloved father Mzee Richard Orwa Bwana of Kamagambo Kodero Bara Sub-location Rongo Sub-county, Migori County. Son to the late Mzee Musa Bwana Migao and the late Mama Sabina Otieno Nyorucho of Asembo Kanyamwa and Mama Roselidah Opany. Loving...