We are saddened to announce the death of Honourable Naftal Onderi Ontweka, a former Senior Deputy Director of Budget at the National Treasury who passed away on 19th April, 2023 .He passed on at the Nairobi Hospital after battling with a short illness.

Beloved husband to Zipporah Onderi. Father to Boniface Gwaka (Australia), Haron Okindo (UK), Denver Mochama (Kenya) and Batsheba Osebe (Australia).

Son to the late Lazaro and Perpetua Ontweka and Anna Kwamboka. Brother to Joseph Mogunde, Teresa Ainga Elisha Mogusu, the late Enoch Omani, the late Solomon Ogenche, Mary Gwaro, Esther Ondieki, Stanley (USA), David (KRA) Oichoe, Henry (NWSC), Bosibori, Kemunto, Meshack (Education) and Abel Ombogo (USA).

Nephew of the late Heradion Anyieni, Penninah Nyamanyi and Askah Moraa Anyieni, Mambo Ombogo, Bonareri, the late Bosibori Nyakundi, the late Obuba, Chuma Mogunde.

Omoigwa of the late Laban Nyaosi and Sarange Nyaosi of Moukubo, Magenche Ward among others.

Brother in-law Margaret, Mary Mogusu, the late Penis Omari, Joel Gwaro, Joseph Okemwa, Hellen, Joyce. Orpha. Gladys, Nyancharna.

Son-in-law to the late Mr and Mrs Obino and mama Mogute of Gesure. ln-law to David Ogega USA, Henry Obino Former DC, Pauline, Moraa, Henry Nyabuto, Julius, Oigara, Omesa, Evans USA among others. Korera and Father-in-law to Winnie and grandfather of five children.

First Cousin to the late Honourable Zephaniah Anyieni, Elizabeth Ketubo and Rebecca Anyieni, Isaac and Bathsheba Mokeira, the late Biritha and Joyce Mabeya,Yunuke Igonyi, Annah Onchera, Jersusha Okioma Nathan Mogusu the late Mary Makori, the late Salome, Kepha, Josephine Nyarangi, Ogetange, Orpha,Vane, Doris Ombogo, Masese, Dr. Abel Anyieni, Dr Boniface Moturi USA, Mogusu Ombogo, Makori Chuma, Makaye Ornbogo, Onderi, Mose Nyakundi, James Kinara USA, Anyona Nyakemuta, the late Nyamora, Ontweka and Nyasimi Okoro of Nyabitunwa among others.

Uncle to Ogenche, Laban, Omwega, Mochache, Steve, Omare, Abel Omani, Duke, Justin, Lydia, Jacqueline, Enock Makori, Mercy. Ontweka Junior, Henry, John Onderi, Lumumba Onderi, Kennedy, Ken Shorty, Richard, Jane, Terryjackie, [Henry Mochache, Robert, Albert, Vicky, Angela, Sandra Justice all of USA], Joshua, David, Lilian Ondieki, Hulder, Laban Ondieki, Laban Gwaro, Obed, Judy, Deborahs, Jimmy, Omares, Manyara, Nahashon Ombogo among others.

He hailed from Bomachoge Borabu Constituency where he contested for the seat of Member of the National assembly on 9th August 2022.

Burial will take place on Friday, 5th May 2023 at his home. Kiango Village, Bomachoge Borabu, Kenyenya Sub -County, Kisii County.

Main fundraising to offset hospital and burial expenses will be held on 3rd May 2023 at Maxwell Central Church Old Sanctuary from 5:00pm. For contributions can be channelled to Paybill Number: 8053281 :Account Number:Your Name

Then he said to me, “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, `Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones:) will make breath enter you, and you will come to life.” Ezekiel 37:1-10 and funeralDeath of NAFTAL ONDERI ONTWEKA,NAFTAL ONDERI ONTWEKA
We are saddened to announce the death of Honourable Naftal Onderi Ontweka, a former Senior Deputy Director of Budget at the National Treasury who passed away on 19th April, 2023 .He passed on at the Nairobi Hospital after battling with a short illness. Beloved husband to Zipporah Onderi. Father to...