November 14th 1944 to August 23rd 2020

We announce the death of Nelson Harrison Maina on August 23rd 2020 after a brief illness that he bore with great strength and dignity.

Nelson was a loving Husband to his wife Florence, a dedicated Father to his Daughter Njeri and Son-in-Law Tony Karuiru and a doting GrandFather to Nyaguthii and Muthoni. The first born of the Late Harrison Kinogu and the Late Beatrice Wathenya Kinogu, his siblings are Mwangi, Kangangi, Wanjiru, the Late Njeri, Muthoni and Wamwea. He was the Son-in-Law to the Late Mr. & Mrs. Amos Kibata Gichimu as well as an Uncle, Cousin and Friend to many.

Nelson will be laid to rest at his home in Gatithi Village, Kiine Location of Kirinyaga County on Friday August 28th 2020

May God Rest His Soul In Eternal Peace and funeralDeath of NELSON HARRISON MAINA,NELSON HARRISON MAINA
November 14th 1944 to August 23rd 2020 We announce the death of Nelson Harrison Maina on August 23rd 2020 after a brief illness that he bore with great strength and dignity. Nelson was a loving Husband to his wife Florence, a dedicated Father to his Daughter Njeri and Son-in-Law Tony Karuiru...