Sunrise: 01/01/1955 – Sunset: 16/7/2024

We are saddened to announce the death of Nicholas Anioth Nyakundi Omariba which occurred on 16/7/2024.

He was born on 01/01/1955 to the late Pasficus Omariba Masagate and the late Sisiria Birundu Omariba of Marani Itongo Village, Igemo Sub-Location, Mwagichana, East Location.

He was husband of Jane Nyaboke and Doris Nyaboke.

He was step son of the late Maria Nyaboke and Regina Moraa Omariba. Father of Jackline, Risper, Mayaka, Edwin, Vincent, Stacy, and the late Nyagaka.

He was grandfather of Denzel, Samson, Brianna, James, Darius, Arianna, Alloys, and Bonface.

He was a brother of Aseta, Jane, Ambrose, Leonida, Mary, Julius, Monica, Margaret, Daniel, Ruth, Richard, Kemunto, the late Akenga, Moige, Anna, Gichana, Kenneth, and Ooga.

He was nephew of Nyagetuba, the late Mayaka, Angwenyi, Araka, Abuya, Ochwangi, Ondieki, Nyabate, Nyamorambo, Boisabi, Obegi, Moraa, Nyaboke, Bosibori.

He was son-law of the Samwel & Martha Mogeni and Joseph & Wilkista Monari (Sinema).

He was a cousin and an uncle to many.

The cortege will leave KTRH Mortuary on 08/08/2024.

Burial and Holy Mass will take place at his home in Marani on 09/08/2024.

1 Kings 8:13 I have indeed built a magnificent temple for you, a place for you to dwell forever. and funeralDeath of Nicholas Anioth Nyakundi Omariba,Nicholas Anioth Nyakundi Omariba
Sunrise: 01/01/1955 - Sunset: 16/7/2024 We are saddened to announce the death of Nicholas Anioth Nyakundi Omariba which occurred on 16/7/2024. He was born on 01/01/1955 to the late Pasficus Omariba Masagate and the late Sisiria Birundu Omariba of Marani Itongo Village, Igemo Sub-Location, Mwagichana, East Location. He was husband of Jane Nyaboke and Doris Nyaboke....